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"Chief Donovan speaking, who is it?" "it's you agent in the lab with some very important news." "go on tell me then agent." "we have got a match for the hair and blood from the crime scene. his name is sylvan quick. and his location at the moment is about one kilometre away from you heading north you should be able to catch him if you go now. We also have an agent watching him but you need to be the one who makes the official arrest." "ok, thank you for that valuable information. I will head there strait away. Everybody pack up. we are leaving. agents nine and twelve you two are coming with me to make an arrest."

As the cars rounded the last corner and the agents jumped out they drew their guns and the chief quickly made the arrest. they went back to HQ and questioned Sylvan quick. "Why did you kill that innocent woman Sylvan?"

"She didn't pay out on a debt that was long overdue and cut off all contact with me after that. it took me years to track her down and when I had the chance I took it. and I do not regret killing her at all." I am very sorry to say this but you are going to be executed in fifty hours because if this and those next fifty hours will be spent in jail. good bye sylvan and I hope it's a slow and painful death for you."

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