ya know..

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I don't really *like complaining about the shit that happens in my life.
I like to just tuck it deep deep down in the pit of my subconscious and let it die.
I'll cry when it's over, is what I always say.
Today, however, if different. Today I feel like being THAT fucking person, who just can't be fucking happy.
People, are shit. Like absolute shit. You *think* you know people, or a person, and then they turn out to be absolute shit too!
What. The. Fuck.
My families future is completely uncertain at this point in time. And it's fucking shit.
I don't know where to begin here.
So... My husband partnered with this guy. We'll call him John.
John... Was pretty cool. Helped us out. Brought my kids ALL brand new bikes. If you've followed me at all, you know there are 7 of the little devil's.
A few weeks ago, he offered to take my husband, and 2 oldest boys camping!
As it was... They couldn't go. Literally cancelled the last minute!
Not gonna lie... It was my fault. I just simply didn't want them to go. Didn't like being alone all night.
Well... Yesterday morning, it was raining. As landscaping goes, you can't do shit in the rain. So no one worked.
We kept hearing John's tablet going off like crazy! We had it because some jobs require pictures uploaded. And my husbands phone is shit.
So, my husband.. Louie, checks these pinging notifications THAT WONT SHUT THE FUCK UP AT 7AM!!!
Jesus! I'm trying to get coffee in my system and kids on the bus! I'm barely coherent!!!!
That was short lived, to say the least...
My husband says he sees a text sent from some number...
It says...
Are you going to have you daughter drink your cum today?
Let me stop right there....
Because I went into mama bear mode, and searched the tablet. I found the texts.
It was through a disposable number that John had. And was linked to HIS ACTUAL CELL PHONE!!!
I'll spare you the horrifics.
I went to my local police station with my phone... Because I took pictures of the tablet and the conversation on my phone... So no one else could touch it. I took them in case they we're deleted. Which.. they were.
I was then sent to ANOTHER police station. Handed over my phone. And the pictures. All the information I had gathered as well... Because no one is better at getting information than an angry mother.
You think a wife is bad? HA!!! Go ask your mom....
Today.... I spent 3hrs at the police station with a detective.
I took them the tablet. I took my phone. (I was actually even dressed today as opposed to yesterday.. when I ran out of the house looking like a homeless woman in her pajamas, snow boots, and no socks)

Yesterday... They had taken John's kid away. She's in protective custody. She's also having a rape kit done on her.
The mother/wife, banned John from the house...
John... Was texting prostitutes on a website called Backpage...
We know.. because as of 8am, we still had the tablet... At 9am... It was in the detectives hands.
We had to have a talk with our oldest kid. Our 15yo daughter.
She's fine by the way....

This comes shortly after a Google account breach!
My darling, husband... Added his Google account to the tablet. Which had his storage for Google photos...
Thongs. Naked. My ass up in the air...
You get the picture here!!!
God! 😫🤦
How do we know he looked at them? Well because we GOT A NOTIFICATION FOR IT!!!! WHILE JOHN HAD THE TABLET!!!
That plastic surgery I was thinking about looks better and better now.

If this is happening to you. If ANYTHING is happening to you at home, that you KNOW is not normal or accepted!!! GO TELL SOMEONE!
Your school. A cop. CPS. Anything!
You become stronger when you tell. You become free when it's over.

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