Chapter 1

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Hey guys so this is a new story I've started, It's a bit all over the place at the moment but bear with me! Anyway thank you for wasting your time reading my story I hope you weren't too disappointed!

Chapter One

Gerards Pov:

He always kept his head down whenever he walked through the halls never making eye contact with anyone. I didn’t know much about him only that his name was Frank, he was classified as the school “weirdo” and he was in my science class.

His hair was down to his shoulders, a complete mess much like my own the only difference being the colour. Mine was bright red while his was jet black. He had both his nose and his lip pierced, and from what I could tell a good number of tattoos.

Apart from science the only other times he appears is at lunch, most likely because we are all forced to eat in the canteen because some idiot set fire to the bins outside. He always looks so alone, not once has anyone sat and talked with him, except for the school bullies of course. Sadly poor Frank was an easy target, much to skinny to fight back and just the right size to be pushed inside a locker for hours on end. I wish I could help him, I’ve tried once before but that just ended with me being beat to shit for a week along my little brother Mikey.

  But to me he wasn’t a “weirdo” or at least what everyone in the school classifies as a weirdo. To me he just seemed… lost, sad; you could see it in his eyes.

He sat slouched over with his head resting on his arm the only movements being his breathing and the occasional twisting of his lip ring. He wasn’t paying attention but then again, neither was I. There was something very intriguing about him I couldn’t help but stare. I didn’t realize he was staring back until I saw a blush creep onto his cheeks. Adorable, I couldn’t help but chuckle at his reaction.

The shrill sound of the school bell brought me back to reality everyone grabbed their things and left for their next classes, as did Frank who had been the first out the door.

My next class was P.E the worse of them all I truly hated it. The thought of running around in smelly unwashed school jerseys doesn’t really appeal to me. Once again I decided to skip and made my to the patch of grass behind the school.

I pulled a cigarette out lit it and took it to my lips. To think something so small could be so deadly amused me, humans are so weak and fragile, a meat bag being held up by a bunch or bones and being controlled by a squishy organ, but hey maybe I’m just easily amused.

I let my mind wonder for a while about random things such as future art pieces or music, but one thing kept popping back into my head, that one guy, Frank.

I heard footsteps approaching and quickly put out the cigarette in case it was a teacher, my mom would freak if I got detention again. But it wasn’t a teacher; it was the last person I expected to see behind here, Frank. He was humming along to the song you could faintly hear blasting from his headphones, his head swaying along. He looked up, his eyes meeting mine; he looked like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck, his face turning red, almost brighter than my hair. Before I could open my mouth he ran off back in the direction he first came.

Franks Pov:

I don’t know why I ran, ok that’s a lie, but I couldn’t just talk to him he was probably going to say something just like all the other assholes in this shit hole anyway so what way the point? I decided to just ditch the rest of the day, it was only English left anyway and quite frankly I have heard enough Shakespeare to do me a life time.

It was a short walk home and for once it wasn’t actually raining, it was a nice day, well the weather anyway. School on the other hand was another story, but at least today I avoided being shoved inside a locker just a few shoves and pushes here and there. Maybe Scott and his pack of dogs he calls friends have found a new chew toy? But that’s probably too good to be true.

I arrive home to an empty house once again. My mom and dad were both on a business trip this week but I didn’t mind, what teenager doesn’t want a free house right? Well except for maybe at night after having a horror movie marathon.

I went up to my room, pressing play on whatever cd was in the stereo. I was tired but it was too early to sleep and plus there was something on my mind, him.

His bright red hair always amazed me, I wished I could pull something like that off but I’m stuck with my boring old black mess. He was an attractive guy; he always wore the same tattered leather jacket and black skinny jeans along with various band shirts. His lopsided smile was another thing that stood out, it was adorable.

But a guy like that could never be interested in me, the “weird emo guy” the thought of it made me laugh, it was stupid to even think about it, It would never happen.

The rest of the day dragged slowly on, boring would be an understatement and being alone does not help one bit. The mind is a dangerous thing when it’s bored, well at least mine is. It can make you feel useless, ugly, unwanted but in the end it’s you, yourself who’s saying these things and you can’t stop it, it’s horrible.

It wasn’t always like this though, I used to have a lot of friends, I was never bullied and I actually enjoyed school; that was up until everyone found out I liked  guys, then everything went downhill. My friends ignored me, every homophobic ass in the school started to use me as a punching bag, I was alone and I still am.

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