Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to the lovley Didgeri-don't you should go check out her stories!

Franks Pov:

After the short confrontation with Gerard I quickly headed to art class before I was late.

The class passed pretty fast since we were only putting the finishing touches on our art projects. I was actually pretty happy with mine for once. It was quiet a simple painting; a silhouette of a boy sitting on a tree watching the world go by, not a care in the world, completely free. I wish I could be like that.

The next few classes passed without incident apart from the internally fight I was having with myself about Gerard.

I don’t trust him; I can’t. Not after what happened last time. I will not be stupid enough to do that again. He can’t seriously want to be my friend? no one does, and even if he did it would be a terrible idea, he wouldn’t last a week getting half the bullshit I have to put up with every day.

Next was lunch, the worst time of the entire day. A group of over 500 hormonal, childish teenagers all forced to eat in the one room, it was hell.

“Hey Frankie where’s your boyfriend? I herd you were caught sucking him off in the locker room during first period” Scott shouted, all the others laughing obviously finding his “joke” hilarious. Idiots.

“Didn’t your mother tell you it was rude to ignore people Frankie?”

I decided it would be best to ignore him because opening my mouth would most likely end in a black eye. But Scott wasn’t finished yet, he was only getting started.

“Aw is poor little faggot Frankie getting upset? Is he going to run off crying to is little boyfriend?”

The next thing that happened took me by surprise. A cold liquid began to poor down on top of me covering me completely.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? How many times do I have to tell you I’m straight before you finally get it through that thick skull of yours Haynes?” regret instantly took over my mind realising what I just said.

“Oh that’s going to cost you Frankie” before I could process what was happening I was dragged out of the lunchroom out into the empty hallways. I was officially fucked.

My face slammed into a locker door sending a shock of pain throughout my whole body.

“Should have kept your mouth shut Frankie maybe then you would have escaped the lockers” Scott sneered before delivering another hit this time into my ribs.

Laughter from the others filled the hallways as Scott continued to use me as a punching bag. I was completely defenceless. Soon enough the punches and kicks began to lessen and I was picked up off my back and shoved inside the nearest open locker.

No matter how many times I was shoved into these things I will never get used to it. It was dark, stuffy and the belongings of which ever student the locker belonged to stuck into me from all different directions making it even more uncomfortable.

Since lunch still had more than 20 minutes left I had no choice but to awkwardly stand inside, hopefully not pass out from the injuries I sustained and hope someone will take pity on the poor fucker stuck inside the small locker and let me out.

After what seemed like forever the bell finally rang signalling the end of lunch, hey maybe today the student who owns this locker will actually come and I won’t be stuck here until after school like the last time.

I didn’t even notice I was leaning against the door until it flew open and I landed face first onto the disgusting mustard coloured floor.

“Dude what are you doing inside my locker? Shit are you ok?” A familiar voice sounded above me.

“Fine and dandy thank you very much I just love being shoved in those tiny lockers don’t you?”

“I... um sorry, stupid question here let me help you; you need to go see the nurse”

“I don’t need to see the nurse I’m fine” I replied trying to stand up, only dropping back down onto my knees due to the shooting pain throughout my body.

“Frank you’re clearly not fine now stop being so fucking stubborn and let my help you”

“Fine but doesn’t make us friends got it?” annoyed he wouldn’t just give up and leave me be.

“Okay got it” He smiled back.

“Back again Frank, that’s a new record twice already this week”

I let out a laugh, Amy, the nurse had become somewhat of a friend due to the excessive beatings “Hey maybe I’ll make it into that book ‘Most about of times beaten up and shoved into a locker within a week’ sounds impressive right”

“Is there ever a time where you’re not making sarcastic remarks Frank Iero?”

“Nope never, you should know that by now” I smiled back.

“Okay enough talking lie down while I go get some ice and bandages for that nasty cut above your eyebrow” she replied before leaving the room.

“You can leave now” I spoke, bringing my attention back to the other person in the room, Gerard.

“Uh yeah ok I guess I’ll see you around?”

“Yeah maybe you’ll find me inside your locker again”

“I hope not, bye Frank” he replied before turning around.

“Gerard wait”

“Yeah?” he questioned

“Um... Thank you for helping me back there you didn’t have to but you did so thanks I guess” I stuttered out, blushing.

“No problem Frank, everyone needs someone to help them from time to time right?” he smiled before walking out of the room leaving me alone.

“Right” I whispered to myself, confused with what had just happened. I, Frank Iero just thanked Gerard for helping me out. I never thank anyone for anything. Yes that does sound selfish of me but I guess the opportunity to thank someone doesn’t arise much.

Amy arrived back soon after Gerard left armed with bandages and some bottles of disincentive which were going to sting like a bitch. I was patched up quick enough and thankfully got excused for the rest of the day meaning I could go home and just sleep.

Thank you for ready I hope you enjoyed it! and if not I am deeply sorry for wasting your time. I'll try update more often over the next few days! Thanks you!

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