Chapter 4

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I'm sorry for not updating for so long, I had a few chapters completed when my computer crashed taking the chapters with it. But I have eventually stopped being lazy and begun re-writing them so heres another one! I hope you enjoy, or not but whatever

“Frank honey, are you there” I was woken by my mother knocking on my bedroom door.

I groaned in response

“I’m just wanted you know I’m home and I have dinner, would you like to join me?”

“Yeah okay I’ll be down in two minutes mom”

I rolled over out of the bed checking the time; it was just a bit after 6 now meaning I had slept for over 4 hours, but I was still aching and exhausted.

I groaned seeing my reflection in my bedroom mirror. The cut was completely visible due to my fringe falling in the other direction and how both my forehead and eye were a deep purple from the bruising. No hiding this one.

“I thought you weren’t back until Wednesday” I questioned entering to room.

“Something came up” she replied before looking up at me.

“I heard what happened today Frank the school rang, I thought you said this bullying had stopped” she sighed angrily.

“It did I swear I guess I just set them off it’s my fault, and it doesn’t even hurt that much, plus I think this makes me look pretty badass don’t you think” I forced a smile.

“It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t hurt that bad Frank they still hurt you, it’s bullying and I won’t stand for it”

“Mom it was all my fault I called one of the guys out I don’t blame him really if I was him I would have ended my sorry ass” I let out a laugh

She Sighed. “Don’t talk that way Frank and please act serious for a moment if this continues I’m moving you to another school.”

As stupid as it sounds the thought of moving to another school scared me even more than having to face my current school. New people, all staring at the ‘new kid’ laughing behind his back, new crappy teachers who hate their job and clearly want to be somewhere else.

I felt a wave of anxiety starting to rise inside me; she can’t move me I can’t move, I won’t.

“It won’t Mom I promise, pinkie promise just please don’t move me not in my last year I’m nearly done anyway” I panicked

“But Frank why would you want to stay there? You complain constantly about the people and teachers, you don’t even have a friend to stay close to.”

“I have a friend” I blurted out before I could even stop myself. If having a friend would secure me staying I was sure as hell going to lie about it.

“You what?” she asked, clearly shocked.

“I have a friend” I was slightly offended at how shocked she was at me having a friend, but then again I can’t really blame her I am making it up after all.

“Really? Oh Frank I’m so happy for you! Who is it? They are nice to you aren’t they? How long have you been friends?”

“Wow mom slow down, yeah they are nice to me, we’ve been friends for a few weeks now and he’s name is uh, G-Gerard” I spluttered out confused with why I had chooses him.

“Gerard hm? Well I would love to meet this Gerard fellow”

“What why?” I pancaked

“A mother wants to know who her son is associating with Frank, especially after what happened last time” her tone dropped, completely serious.

I hate thinking about that time. It ruined everything.

“Mom he’s noting like Craig I promise”

“I’m just worried about you Frank, you understand that right?”

“Yes mom I do” I sighed.

“Well good, now this Saturday you invite this Gerard boy over for dinner okay” it was more of a demand than a question.

“Mom I’m sure his busy, come on it’s a Saturday we’re teenagers”

“No Buts Frank Iero Gerard will come over for dinner, it’s Monday now you have a good few days to clear your schedules, No excuses. Now eat up before it goes cold”

“Fine” I groaned before grabbing my plate and heading to the table.

What had I gotten myself into? Why did you have to go and lie Frank? And out of all people Gerard? How am I meant to invite Gerard Way over to my house to have dinner with me and my family for Christ sake?

I slowly picked at my dinner not feeling hungry anymore I was pissed. And nervous. Well here comes another sleepless night, planning how I can get Gerard over for dinner on Saturday.

“Hey mom”

“Yeah Hunny”

“Where’s Dad?”

She shifted uncomfortably in her chair, clearly something was bugging her.

“He is-something came up he will be back in a couple of days” she replied quickly before getting her plate and heading into the kitchen.

“Mom are you ok?” I asked, confused at her behaviour.

“Yeah hunny I’m fine all that travelling can really take it out of you, I’m going to head to bed so I’ll talk to you in the morning okay?”

“Okay mom, Goodnight”

“Night Frankie sleep tight” she replied kissing my head before heading upstairs towards her bedroom.

I brushed off her odd behaviour and decided to head to bed myself, not expecting much sleep.


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