Part Two

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(Class Crescent Moon, 6 days before the gala, 5:28 PM)

"Ah, Maka and Soul. Come in, you're early." Professor Stein was leaning back in his stitched chair, calmly smoking a cirgarette. "Better put this out," he muttered.

Maka entered, hands behind her back and with Blair in cat form on her shoulder. Soul came in behind her, slouching as usual, with his pockets in his black leather jacket. Crona entered last, shoulders tucked in shyly, staying as close as he could behind Soul without being creepy. Professor Stein raised an eyebrow at Bliar, but Maka explained, "Blair won't tell, we know you told us to keep this a secret". Blair nodded in affirmation, and Stein smiled, cocking his head toward the seats. "You can take a seat, we both know Kid will be here exactly on time... and BlackStar, of course, will be late."

"Yeah..." Maka agreed. She and Soul took their regular class seats. Crona sat on the ground.

The clock's second hand slowly ticked to 5:30, and when it did, there was a quiet and polite knock on the door.

"Come in," The professor said in a singsong voice.

The door opened, and Death the Kid walked into the class with Liz and Patty at his flank. He looked toward Maka, Soul, and Crona, and gave a nod of acknowledgement. He sat down with Liz and Patty in their respective seats.

Fifteen minutes later, the door was blown off its hinges, and Blackstar strode in with his usual swagger, Tsubaki following modestly behind.

"What's up, everybody?" Blackstar turned toward Stein. "What's all this about?" He rubbed a towel around his neck, wiping his forehead.

"Sit down and I'll tell all of you about it" Stein gestured to the seats. BlackStar, being lazy, just took a seat at the front and put his feet up on the desk like he always did.

"Now," Stein pulled his chair closer to the desk, taking an intense look at the students gathered before him. "It has come to the attention of The Academy that there are two demons in London, one younger and one older. Normally, we would just dispatch a team without a second thought. However-" Stein's glasses flashed, and he leaned forward. "There is something very strange about this pair." Stein glanced around the room. Blair was curiously gazing. Soul and Blackstar looked bored. Kid and Maka were listening intently. Patty was bouncing lightly in her chair. Liz was half listening, gazing at her nails, Tusubaki was cocking her head, and Crona was still sitting on the floor, expressionless.

"The pair has no madness whatsoever"

Everyone suddenly sat in shock. Even Blackstar cocked an eyebrow.

Stein continued. "Now, The Academy, just like the rest of you, was completely perplexed. We did our homework, and discovered that the younger demon goes by the name of Thomas Gautier, and his butler is Sebastian Michealis. Of course, we want to find out as much as we can. Thomas Gautier, however, is extremely anonymous. There aren't many records on him at all, except ones that show that he's one of the richest people in London." Stein paused. "Fortunately, high society people of London are bound to the rules of etiquette. And we have found out that he was invited to a very, very exclusive party-- one that starts in the middle of the day. Being as rich as he is, Gautier is pretty much forced to attend. Unfortunately, this a very exclusive party. Kid-- I'm going to send you to get some invitations, because you have... resources" Stein risked a glance at Patty. Oh god, he means the mean voice, doesn't he? Liz thought, looking exasperatedly at her younger sister. 

"Soul, Maka, Crona, I want you to find out as much as you can about this Thomas Gautier. There's something very strange about all this." Stein narrowed his eyes "Especially about that butler. And as for the two of you-" Stein turned his chair toward BlackStar "I'll let you know if your skills are needed". Maka nodded dutifully.  Kid cast glances at Liz and Patty. BlackStar just swung his feet of the desk, still looking like he would rather be practicing on Hiro.

"Class Dismissed," Stein called, rolling his chair along the floor... and tripping over the door frame, as usual. The students filed out, doing the best they could not to step on Stein. Stein's leg twitched. 

"Need a little help there, Stein?" Spirit was leaning over Stein, smiling. "What is it with you and this chair, anyway?" Stein laughed, and extended his hand.

(The "Gautier" Manor, Ciel's room,6 days before the gala, 6:30 PM)

Ciel took another sip of his tea. He looked out of his window, into the lustrous gardens that exactly mirrored the ones that he used to have at the Phantomhive mansion. A small noise came to his ears, and he put down his tea tiredly. "What is it, Sebastian?"

"Are you finished with your tea, my young lord? You have been in here for quite for quite awhile" Sebastian held out the tea tray.

Ciel obligingly placed his white teacup on the silver tray. "What is it your business if I'm in here? You're my butler. You shouldn't ask such questions."

"Oh yes, my lord. How silly of me."

"Do I detect sarcasm in that voice? You should watch your step, Sebastian" Ciel aimed his hand and stuck it. Sebastian caught it, twisting Ciel over. Ciel kicked, knocking Sebastian off. He chopped and kicked swifter than any human could have kicked and punched. Sebastian, however, dodged all of these punches easily,  and started forcing Ciel toward the bed by throwing his own punches and forcing Ciel to now dodge from side to side. Then, when Ciel was about to strike with both of his hands, Sebastian grabbed both of them, forcing Ciel down onto his bed and pinning his hands down onto the mattress.Sebastian's hair brushed Ciel's eyelids. He scowled.

"Let me up" Ciel growled. Sebastian released his iron grip, and Ciel sat surlily up, rubbing his wrists.

"Don't be discouraged, young master. A normal man would have been overpowered by now." Sebastian was pouring a cup of tea as he said this. He offered it to Ciel, but he just waved it away, saying, "That's the problem, Sebastian. Even a normal man could overpower another normal man. You were simply playing with me."

"With all due respect my lord, maturity is a slow process for a humans, and it doesn't change for demons. Have patience" Ciel sat up straighter on the bed, looking over himself with distaste.

"These clothes aren't meant for this Sebastian, there are several rips already" Ciel sighed. "Have Marie and Antoinette find some new clothes, will you Sebastian? I want your approval, but until then, just stay out of my sight for awhile. You're not the only one with matters to attend to"

Sebastian smiled. "Yes, my young lord," he placed his hand on his chest, and bowed. Just as he had been doing for the many years that the two of them had been together. When the doors closed, Ciel stood up, looking out the window. He straightened his ripped jacket, and smiled with the corner of his mouth, setting his hand on the ornate chair.

"Damn demon" he muttered.

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