Part 5

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(Grand Entrance to the Bennings Manor, day of the gala, 12:00 noon)

Sebastian politely opened the limousine door for his young master, and the Ciel shut the door with and indifferent slam.  Antoinette winked and drove off, with Maire trying her best not to squeal with girlish delight in the front seat. Sebastian smiled.

Ciel scowled.

(12:15, same day, Hall of the Bennings Manor)

Ciel and Sebastian were finishing up the large round of greetings when Ciel stopped dead.

"Oh no- please no," Ciel whispered. A mortified expression was frozen was frozen on his face. 

"What is it, my young lord?" Sebastian inquired, gazing down worriedly upon his master. Sebastian followed the stricken gaze to a man that was in the middle of a large circle of women. A man with rectangular-rimmed glasses, green eyes, and teeth ground to a sharp point.

A man clothed almost entirely in red.

"Now, there's no need to-" Sebastian had bent down to calm the very mortified Ciel, but found it was too late. Ciel was outside and flattened against the wall, almost hyperventilating. Sebastian allowed the ragged breathing to subside a bit before saying,  "Only twenty minutes into the proceedings and we're already needing some fresh air? This is a new low, even for you, my young lord. We should go back inside now." Sebastian made a move to take Ciel's trembling hand, but yanked it away. 

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Ciel yelled. I'm not going back in there! Especially when that perverted FREAK is here!"

Sebastian sighed, casting a glance around the grounds. Thankfully, nobody had noticed Ciel's rather embarrassing outburst.

Instead of insisting that they go back inside, Sebastian simply said, "The gardens are beautiful at this time of day, my lord. Shall we take a look?"

Ciel took the hint. He shuddered once, but then stalked off in the direction of the path, and Sebastian followed at a respectful distance behind his young master.

The dappled sunlight was indeed beautiful in the garden. Well, it was more like a path in the woods than a garden. Still, it was better than that stupid party. Sebastian paused for a second, and then the noise reached Ciel's ears. It was a rustle of a long overcoat on the leaves. Sebastian sighed, and moved toward a rather large bush, picking up a very disappointed Grell Sutcliff by the scruff.

"Oh my," Grell sighed. "My stealth doesn't seem to be getting better at all. But then again, I am trying to sneak up on the best," he purred, casting a glance toward Sebastian that made Ciel shudder. Sebastian dropped Grell to the ground with  out a word. Grell yelped, then rubbing his dierriere, moaned, "Oh Bassy, why must you be so cruel to me? It's really not fair..."

Ciel cleared his throat. Grell gave Ciel a very disapproving once-over and then said scathingly, "Oh, that little brat is still around? I would've hoped someone would've run him through with a sword by now," Grell sighed, getting up. "But then again, then I wouldn't have someone to fight over Bassy with," Grell lolled his tongue in a ridiculous fashion, adjusting his glasses. 

"Even so," Ciel replied, "Why are you here? You're not here on business, are you?"

Grell snorted. "Buisness, schmisness," he waved his hand indifferently. "I'm on vacation. There's finally some fresh stock, and I get to take a break for awhile. Reaping souls does get boring, and the women of this century are so enticing, and that's not all. This is the biggest event of the season, I simply had to attend," Grell grinned. "Meeting Bassy was just a bonus." Ciel raised an eyebrow. But, he just turned around and continued walking on the  beaten leaf-covered path. Sebastian followed, and Grell followed loyally behind, regaling them with stories of his adventures in modern day London while four pairs of eyes silently watched the trio.

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