Part 3

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  • Dedicated to Aysel (aka nikki)

(Soul and Maka's apartment, 7:30 PM, 4 days before the gala)

"You ever gonna be done with the computer, Maka? You've been on there for almost an hour already." Soul kept one arm over the couch while watching Maka intently.

"Hiiiii!!! We're home!" Blair burst through the door, hands full of shopping bags. Crona followed behind, with Ragnorok's head perched on his.

"Hey, welcome back, you guys. You need help with those bags?" Soul stood up.

"No, we're fine," Blair said. She smiled at Crona. She hugged him with all her might. "I love this little guy! He gets me all sorts of great deals!" Crona just squirmed, a blush reddening on his cheeks.

"I don't know how to deal with this..." he muttered.

Maka just stared at the computer, shaking her head. She sighed, and then glanced toward the other people in the apartment. "Well, it looks I am cooking tonight-- this computer is useless"

Everyone cheered.

(Soul's room, 7:00 AM, 3 days before the gala)

"Get up, lazy head. We're only missing school because of this research, so get up or I'm leaving you behind" Maka was shaking Soul. He groaned, and fell face-down on the floor.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes-- or do you want a Maka-chop to the head?"

That got Soul up.

(The library in the city nearest to The Academy, 9:00 AM, 3 days before the gala)

The librarian smiled as the two teenagers walked into the library. Teenagers weren't frequent around the library, but this one was a regular.

"Hello, Maka" the librarian smiled. "What can I get for you and your friend today?"

Maka tucked her arms behind her back. "Where do you keep the old newspapers?"

"Ah, those things,"  the librarian clucked. "Go straight down and make a left. The farther you go, the older they are. I can trust you with some of the more delicate pieces, can't I?"

"Yes Ma'am" Maka saluted.

(Back at the microfilm section, 9:02 AM, same day)

Maka was leading Soul by the hand and they passed through bookshelf after bookshelf. Then Soul noticed some of the dates.

"Hey Maka, why are we going so far back? These are really old newspapers"

Maka frowned. "There was something on the computer yesterday-- something I found, but didn't want to tell you guys about it just yet" Maka clutched a roll of paper. "Professor Stein was right, there isn't much at all on that Gautier guy, but I found something that said his mansion was modeled after another that was made a really long time ago. It isn't much but it's our only lead to go on."

Soul made a face, but didn't struggle. He didn't really know how to resist his partner when she was on a quest like this one. Suddenly, Maka stopped. Soul almost ran into her. "Hey-watch where you're-" he stopped.

"This is it," Maka muttered. She delicately tool a roll of filmy stuff out of a cubbyhole, and turned to Soul. "Follow me"

Soul watched Maka as she scanned the microfilm and read over newspaper after newspaper. "It's not this," Maka muttered. "Or that" Then, she stopped dead. Soul scanned what Maka was looking at on the computer screen. "Hey Maka, why are you looking at the obituary of a 13-year old boy?"

It took Maka a long time to reply. She swallowed. "Remember when I told you about the similarities in the mansions? Well, I lied. I wasn't really concentrating on the mansions" Maka's eyes narrowed "I was concentrating on their owners. Soul, take out that piece of paper I was holding earlier." Soul gave Maka a funny look, but did what she asked. On it was a picture of a teenage-looking boy with an eye patch. Behind him stood a butler. "Hold the picture right here," Maka pointed to a spot on the screen. Soul stood in shock. The picture on the obituary was a picture of a boy. Soul held the picture closer to the obituary. There was no mistaking it.

The picture was of exactly the same person.

(Office of the person who was going to hold the gala, 10:00 AM, 3 days before the gala)

There was a polite knock on the office door. The man looked at his watch. Odd. He didn't have any appointments as of now, and nobody disturbed Arthur Bennings, CEO. He was curious to see who exactly was behind that door. "Come in, come in." he called. The door swung silently open. Standing in the doorway was a teenage boy, flanked by two others, one looking older and one looking younger. The CEO raised and eyebrow.

"Who are you kids? I don't have time for kids. Even if you came and were a customer, I don't have any appointments for now, so scram"

The kid in the middle lowered his gaze. He was rather oddly dressed, as he was in a black and white suit. He had three white stripes in his jet-black hair.

"Are you Arthur Bennings?" The kid said quietly. "I understand you're holding a gala three days from now, is that true? I need tickets for myself, Liz, Patty, and a few others."

Arthur's eyes narrowed. How did these kids know about this? "It's none of your business, but yes I am. Now I told you to scram. I can't give tickets to anyone who just comes walking into my office. Shouldn't you kids be in school or something, anyway?"

"I'm not sure you understand, Mr. Bennings," the kid in the middle said. "We need those tickets"

These kdis' behavior was starting to annoy and unnerve the CEO. "Who do you think you kids are, anyway? Now get your undersized little rear ends out of my office-- before you get into some real trouble"

Arthur would regret those words for the rest of his life, because he suddenly found himself ties to his luxurious office chair. The kids then tried any motive to squeeze some tickets out of him, but he stoutly refused.Finally, stripey kid gestured to the younger-looking girl. "Patty," he said. "It's your turn"

The one called Patty sat down in an office chair across from Mr. Bennings. She rubbed her shoulders together, and then, her sweet face contorted into something cruel.

"Git' yer ass moving and get us tickets now, damn you"

Arthur's eyes watered.


"I was really scary, huh wasn't I sis?" Patty giggled.

"Simply horrific," Liz moaned, and she walked along with Kid and Liz to where they stocked their skateboard, trying to enjoy walking as much as she could.

It was a long ride back to The Academy.


I hoped you guys liked this chapter! Sorry it was pretty much dialouge but oh well! Characters shown here belong tp their original creators, but Arthur Bennings and the Librarian are my own creations.

Love you guys


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