Chapter One

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Day and Night, Darkness and Light
Fire, Ice, and Water that glides
Thunder and Lightning aren't that frightening
Shifting, changing, never staying


Dipper sighed as he got up. When he was twelve, his father died. He didn't remember why or how, and the only things he remembered from before he was twelve was his dreams with the Ciphers. He couldn't wait to see them in real life. Now that he was sixteen, he and his older twin, Mabel, could go to the main hero school the Ciphers went to. Everyone there had a power, and he knew that the Ciphers could control, destroy, and create dreams. He and Mabel were also told that the Cipher could create things of fire, levitate people and things, along with being able to teleport themselves anywhere. Mabel and Dipper had an apartment they stayed at, but the Ciphers offered to let them stay at their house, for the Cipher's parents lived somewhere else. Mabel and Dipper told them that they'd think about it.
Dipper walked with Mabel to the school they were new at. "I wonder what the school will be like," Mabel said, "Probrally just teaching people how to fight with and without powers, along with making sure that they know what their weaknesses are.

As they approached the school, they found that people were running around in the grass surrounding it. On the pavement leading to the doors, they saw a butterscotch haired boy with tan skin. He had black jeans and a butterscotch all star converse. He also had a collared long sleeved butterscotch shirt with a black vest on top of it and a black bow tie one. "William!" Mabel yelled, and the butterscotch haired boy turned, his eyes a bright ultramarine, "Mabel!" he called back, walked towards her. Mabel ran and tackled William in a hug, Dipper walked towards he, afterwards. Mabel got up and grabbed her brother's arm, "Dipper! It's really William!" she exclaimed cheerfully. "Since when did you call him Dipper?" William asked, "I always have, but I called him Mason when we were with you and Wilhelm. William nodded, "Sounds like what Wilhelm and I did. When we weren't with you both I called him Will and he called Bill." he said. Mabel grinned, "Speaking of which, where is Wilhelm?" Dipper asked. Bill blinked, "Good question." he said before turning around and yelling, "Wilhelm, they found me!" and a peach boy appeared next to him. Will looked like Bill, but the ultramarine and butterscotch was switched. (Wills and Bills hairstyles are the same as the picture's). Mabel hugged Will before grabbing Dipper and having the three of them hug each other. Bill laughed and shook his head, "Guys, stop hugging before school starts in a minute." he said, and the bell rang. Mabel stopped hugging Will (and stopped forcing Dipper to hug Will) and she ran into the school, leaving the boys behind to follow her.

Their teacher was named Digital, and that was because she could control technology. Miss. Digital had the class sit down, the Pines and Ciphers sat in the back left corner in a block formation, Will and Dipper next to the window. "Hello, class, my name is Digital, so address me as Miss. Digital, ma'am, or madam." Miss Digital introduced herself, and everyone replied with a "Yes Miss. Digital" which made her sigh. Miss Digital had wavy teal hair and electric green eyes with pale skin. Miss. Digital walked around the classroom while talking, "You are all in this school to become heroes, is that clear? You will only use your powers for good and you will always help whoever you can." she explained.
Most of the class were listening, but some were talking or doing something else. Mabel and Bill were in a conversation with each other while Will drew in a notebook and Dipper looked out of the window. Miss. Digital hit a ruler on Bill's desk, "Did either of you hear what I said?" she asked them. Bill grinned, "No miss, we were talking about what we already know," he said, partially true. Miss. Digital nodded, "Please listen to what I say next time." she said, and Bill nodded. When Miss. Digital left, Bill looked at Mabel and shook his head, causing Mabel to grin.

Miss. Digital ended class, "Everyone go to lunch!" she hollered. Everyone shot out of class, the Ciphers and Pines were out last, for they had thing to put things away. The lunch room was outside in the back of the school. There was a single tree that no one went near, as if it were cursed. The Ciphers and Pines didn't mind though, and they went to sit down at the tree. A scarlet haired girl with ocean blue eyes and a ginger girl with amber eyes walked out, both had coco skin. The scarlet haired girls hair stopped at her ankles while the ginger haired girls hair stopped at her shoulder. "Can we sit here?" They asked, walking towards the tree. Mabel nodded as Will said "Sure," which gave Bill and Dipper no room to say anything. "I'm Viper," the scarlet haired girl said, "and this is Amber, my best friend." she motioned towards the ginger girl. "Hi! I'm Mabel, and this is my younger twin, Dipper, and our best friends Bill and Will." Mabel said cheerfully, causing Dipper to laugh.

900 words
Until next update, cya

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