He's Dead, No He's Alive, No It's An Act

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A tear streaks down my face as I walk up to the coffin. " Can I have a moment alone with them?" I ask Rehi.

"Of course" he responds. Rehi walks about of the room hands in his pockets, dragging his feet. I lean over my boyfriends coffin, Wiping away the fake tears I put on a serious face.

"Now listen, I know your not dead." I pronounce, annoyed. Eli sits up in the coffin glaring at me.

"I figured." A loud, long, beep rings in my ears.

"Aaaannnnndddd, cut!"

Heidi, the director, walks on set. "Christian, Annalise, that was amazing!" She yells, doing jazz hands. She slings an arm around Christian, who plays Eli, and Me, who plays Emmalynn. "The fans won't know what hit them!!" She laughs enthusiastically. I nod my head and go along to what she is saying as, I walk to my dressing room, getting ready for my next scene.

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