Chapter 1: The Gift

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Bay POV:
Here I was laying on my hospital bed on the verge of dying. I always knew there was a possibility that I would die giving life to the greatest gift Emmett and I could ever ask for. Our beautiful baby girl, who I had just caught a glimpse of, was absolutely gorgeous. She had raven hair just like me and had blue eyes like Emmett. Her skin was pale from not being kissed by sunlight yet and her cries yet loud were blissful. But no longer focusing on what I made, with the help of Emmet of course, I found myself loosing strength. Strength to keep my eyes open to see my surroundings, hear her beautiful cries and the oos and awws of my family, make my lungs fill and empty themselves with fresh air, and lastly feel my one true love stroke my arm calming me. I was grasping onto this as long as I could not knowing if I would ever be able to witness this all again.

Exhaustion and nausea took over me as I wait for the five longest minutes of my life to be up. This morning I bought three pregnancy tests just in case one showed up incorrectly. After throwing up several times in the past three days I thought it would be reasonable to take the test. Three minutes into waiting I turned to the toilet and threw up what felt to be my insides. My mom unfortunately heard me and rushed into my bathroom. I looked at her when I heard the door swing open. Her jaw dropped as she looked at the tests. I looked at the counter where I laid them and saw three plus signs...positive. She shut the door and I flushed the toilet. I looked down at my hands and started tearing up then I put my hands to my face a started sobbing. I couldn't focus on what my mom was saying although I felt her rubbing my back all I could focus on was my thoughts. What if they kick me out? What if they make me get an abortion? What if they take advantage of my being 18 and don't help or support me? What will Emmett think? Will he leave me and think he won't be able to handle raising a baby?

After several minutes I heard my dad's voice booming through the door, "Bay is everything okay in there? Do you need help?"

Instead of answering the question directed to me my mom did. "John, honey, I think you should come in here."

Sure enough he listened to my moms calm voice and walked in. Scanning the room he gasped probably at the tests. "Bay your grounded and Tank is going to hope he has the right answers to all my questions!" He yelled

I heard his footsteps walking away, "Dad wait!" I screamed in between sobs. I looked in his eyes which were full of anger and rage, "You can't ground me, I'm 18 and legally an adult and not your 'property' anymore. Also it wasn't Tank, we broke up. It was Emmett, after he got attacked by Mandy we kissed and you know where it ended up."

"Emmett! " He screamed in disgust. "The one that cheated on you with your brothers girlfriend!" He took a deep breath and then said, "You know what Bay, your right. Your 18 legally an adult. I want you to get out of my house now and find somewhere else to live." I sat on the icy cold bathroom floor shocked. "Now!" He yelled.

I scrambled to my feet and grabbed a suitcase and started filling if with my belongings crying silently to myself. I ignored everything my mom said about staying and decided to go to the one place I knew I would be welcome. Emmett's. After packing everything I would need my mom gave me some money. Apparently she thought I would be living in my car. I loaded my car and drove to the Bledsoe residents. I rang the doorbell and waited. Finally I saw Emmett's friendly face and I signed, "Can I stay here for a while?"

He had a concerned look in his eyes, but he smiled and signed, "Yes." He helped me unload my car and bring all my stuff to his room. We decided to skip school so I could explain. Oh great.

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