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"I want to name her Lilly Regina Bledsoe." I signed looking into Emmets glassy eyes. His smile got even wider if that was even possible and nodded.

Emmett saw that I was getting lost in his eyes and waved his hand in front of my face. "Now that I think about it Kennish doesn't fit your name," he signed.

I looked at him confused, "What?" I had an idea of what he was going for so I added more to my response, "What should my last name be then, Daddy?"

He smiled and laughed show that he liked being called daddy and couldn't wait until our angel called him that. "Bledsoe." He signed quickly and then walked out of the room.

Did he just propose? I tried yelling for him to come back but it was no use he was deaf.

I heard the front door open and close then high heels clank against the tile floor. Melody. "Your mom is home." I signed.

Emmett jumped up and ran out the door.

"Emmett wait do-" I yelled until I remembered they couldn't hear my screams. I got up to go stop him but ended up going in the opposite direction to the toilet so I could vomit. I hate morning sickness. I was in the middle I barfing when I felt a cold hand move my hair from my face and rub my back. Then another pair of hands gave me a towel to wipe my face and flushed the toilet when I was done. Great! He told Melody. I started to cry because I had just realized I ruined my life.

"Sweetie don't cry. It's going to be okay. You can stay here," Melody signed.

I sighed a sigh of relief and thanked her.

"Sweetie are you okay?" I heard my mom ask.

I nodded, "Mom, I think Emmett proposed and then he left."

She stayed silent.

"Did dad come? Or am I just a disgrace to the family still?" I asked.

"He's here. I'll bring him in."

Great. Just great.

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