started youtube😍💚

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All the girls pov: was y'all so we just started YouTube and I first video is gonna be a prank on the boys they just went to the store so we need to hurry up so we gonna do we got killed prank on them so Amber is going to by the door with blood on her then Ryan going to be in the kitchen and daii  going to be in the tube in the the London am going to be up stairs in the hall the Kayla going to be in the room so we finna set up because it don't take the that long so we set up we crack the door a little so it seem it was a break in the i put one camera up behind the tv then I put one up stairs i hide the blood an then I yelled y'all ready and they said there and like 1 min later they came in the door we closed our eyes.                             The boys pov: we walked in the house because the door was open the we see Ryan and Amber not be floor with blood then we was looking for daii and Kayla and London they was up stairs to dead on the floor then we was like what the he'll then we was freaking out then we tried to shake them to get up then they was not moving so I look at the not and it said y'all should off let off have them now look what happened                 the girls pov: am weak we just laughing in our head cause it so funny the funny part is they started crying i was to weak then was still trying to wake us up they was gonna call the police the at the same time we all jump up and said it a prank the they hung phone and we laughing then they was looking at is like we. Was crazy then they was like with the fuck the they was like that shot at funny they they walked out the house the me and daii got the camera and was like we got them they was waking down the sidewalk and we was following them with the camera and they was like get that shit out my face well that prank was well until next time America then they was mad we walked back in the house.       the boys pov: mane them girls tripping they just did that died prank on us we going get them back dough but we finna walk back in the house they was killing the mess up then they went up stairs and change there clothes.            London pov: we just cleaned the mess up and change our clothes then I put our clothes in the washer and dryer then we went back down stairs to watch Netflix they still mad they have not even said nothing we was watching the the get down . So we all finna  make some smile so we got the warm water and the food color and the glue and borax and a blow and spoon 30min later we made  green,blue,red,purple and Orange we was playing with it then we had put them in contaner and put them up by that time it was 4:30 and my mother was on here way home because she got off early we was trying to figure out what to do i want to low key go swimming then I ask them did they want to go swimming and they was like yeah so I FaceTime my mommy and I told here that we wanted to go swimming and she said okay and said y'all get ready and get my swimming suit because am be there in like 5 min  okay I told them to get ready and my mother came we got in truck i it was a it a ten sit truck so I kishawn Ryan Kendall sat in the first roll them Amber and lando and Kayla set in the 2 roll then daii set in the front set and then the last roll was then luhel my and me and Haden set in the last roll i have to put Haden in here car seat then we left it took us 15 min to get to the pool then them fool jump in the pool then I put my feet in the pool so they was playing to much and the they drag us in the pool then was was splashing each other 2 1/2 later it was now 7:30 and we had left we went back to the house and we took turns taking a shower the i got at me and Michel and Haden went to the store with my momma because told us we could come and the rest of them was in the shower we but the don't know we gone  London pov: so we just got to target we so my momma had to get some tissues and paper towels and she was looking for some other stuff she got some we had to get some stuff we got some more snacks and then we got more face cream and face mask then she bought Haden one of them care she got here pick keep we already got to carts she played for it then she went to church chicken then mj text me  nohitz💚🔥😍 were y'all go send at 7 :45 read at 7:46 nohitz💚🔥😍 so you just gone leave me on read aight bet send 7:47 read 7:47            Nolimtnari😍💚 shois and no of you concer were we went send 7:48 read at 7:48 luhel don't answer mj text he said okay we go to cc my momma got us all good  then we got back home it was 8:00 when we got back Haden was knocked out my mommy and label got the food out and I got Haden out i put her on the couch but she woke so she could eat me daii and Amber put up the snacks because it was a lot after that we washed our bread then we started eating mom went to here room and we was down stairs I put London in here high chair and we was watching good burger then by that time it like 9:45 so we all stared to go up stairs i carred Haden up the stairs and put her in my bed we went live the boys went to they room and my momma was sleep and of course them nigga go to get on there talking about to sleep so me and daii went and there and told them to get of our live and they was like no so we went back in so we all stared twerking to make them mad then the bust in the room and they was mad then they was stop and we keep doing them they went to the camera and was like they finna get in trouble and end the live then we started play fighting then mj made me cry then I went down stairs to get an ice pack then he going try to to say sorry  and laughing and I started puching him why he was laughing but nothing was not even funny then I tried to walk off but he tried to hug me but he was to strong to get out then I was like move and he did move so he kiss me then at first I did kiss back because he caught be off guard but then I kiss back the them i jump on his back then we went back up stairs at that time it was like 12:30 and I was sleeping we was in the boys room watching them play the game then all the girls went to sleep but the not carried us to the room then but us in the bed the we went to sleep.          A/n next chapter coming later can any one cause want until next time America came from it from when we did the prank on them 1383 words😍🔥

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