let get it popping

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Amber pov: right now it like 12:30 in the afternoon we was at the park just the boys was playing basketball and we we just chilling and wilding  so this girls going to come up in her being rude and and they was all up in the boys then one of the bitch go to say something rude then that when we had it they all ways trying people so you already know we finna fight

We stared fight that birch finna get beat down bitch punch puhrjdmxjmz\:@-#-$=#\$7%+* chicken bitch I told you stop play with me g move bitch all I know is some body bust me in my lip luchel got me away from them let me go i said crying this bitch want to jump and bust my lip let me go am see who the birch now luhel let me go i can't up on that birch and stared decking her shit bitch  ducking stupid how I stared stomp her and knee here in here shut then Al I know was my Then stared fight and more birch keep trying to jump we was beat they was one then bitch that tried to jump me one them but me in my eye but I was still winning then my mommy came down because they parents was trying to fight my mom and aunt was beating they as s then people stared breaking it up then libel stared trying to get away from that girl bout i was still trying to get lose them birch had me meat up bro I was mad and crying my mom had to take has to the hospital because we need snitch after that we went to get some food went back home I took a shower we supposed to be having hotel party today gang gang 4 hours later so the hotel party stared at 7:35 so it 5:45 now so we got to get the and for the party so me Keegan and Amber went to the store with my mom so we can get the stuff why they get ready we got the snack and cup and stuff then we head back to the house Then we got our stuff and to the hotel it was 7:40 and people was all ready coming my and Haden in the hotel room 2 doors down we kit we was finna play truth our dare so Ken went first and then he whispered some in libel ear then that started laughing then Ken was like I dare you to give a hickey then he did it mj was low key mad though it just a game then Michel went and was London truth our dare then she was like dare I was like
Dare I dare you to kiss mj so that want i did then try stared playing music then they was like give us them lap dance the we like ok then they started being nasty and stared kiss us and grabbing our butt then when they went to sleep we got water and poured it on them they got up to quick they was mad and
We just bust out laughing weak then they put different clothes then we was all watching tv and eat the snacks. Part to coming later 😍😐😍

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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