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Ana darts out the front door of her home in Missouri. The hardwood door slamming against its frame as she desperately rummages through her purse. Matt (her fiancée) was piling in the rest of her luggage into their blue van.

"Hey babe, have you seen my Chapstick?" She says, rushing towards the passengers seat (and still searching through her bag). The car shifted slightly as matt punched the trunk into place.

"Uhhm.. It wasn't on the kitchen counter?" He asked, sliding into the drivers seat next to her.

"nooo.." She huffs, flipping her frizzy blond hair out of her eyes to look up at him. " i looked on ALL the counters. I even doubled checked!!" she pouted.

Matt jabs the car keys into the ignition and sighs.

The corner of his mouth lifts into a crooked smile, "and i always thought you kept at least 5 more extra".

The couple sit there looking into each others eyes questionably for a moment.

Then Ana has a sudden realization....

"Nuh uh! Don't tell me you have it!" She exclaims, leaning back into the leather seat.

Matt breaks out into a giant smirk as he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out Ana's strawberry flavored Chapstick. She hates the unflavored ones.

She releases a small chuckle before leaning closer to him, gazing into his emerald colored eyes with a smirk that mimicked his.

Shes so close, Matt could see the shades of light blue in hers (eyes). He can even smell the scent of coffee clinging to her hair and breath. Through his 7 years of knowing her, he knew the scent so well. Black coffee with a teaspoon of sweetener. Just the way shes always liked it.

Matt would've kissed her if she didn't snatch the pink labeled Chapstick out his hand and swiftly leaned back in her seat again.

Ana pops the cap off her Chapstick and smears a bit of it on her bottom lip, rubbing her lips together as she rests her eyes in her fiancées direction.

"I hate it when you do that"

"But you still love me" , he winks as he starts the car.

"Whatever!" She exclaims sardonically.

Matt finally pulls the car out of their driveway.

"Ya' know, i probably would have had a heart attack or something! I NEED my Chapstick.. Mexico isn't like St. Louis!" Ana says, still glancing in Matt's direction. She tried to settle in her seat the best she could, not to mention that it was still very early in the morning. Ana had insisted that they get up early to catch a head start on the way to Chicago. She didn't even have time to brush her hair that well and she could feel the hairs on the top of her head already starting to curl up. They always did that.

"I mean, it cant be that hot over there" Matt gestures.

Ana sighs, "well, Samantha actually told me that some parts might be cooler than others. It all depends i guess."


Ana looks out her window, seeing all the 'Missouri trees' blur by. Half of her couldn't wait to be within the tropics of Mexico. Although the other half of her really didn't want to leave Matt for week. Even though he spent hours assuring her how fine he would be on his own for a few days. She smiled as she remembered how Matt tried to describe how him and his friends would finally be able to have a nice 'Guys Night Out'.

She rested her head on the car window, noticing for the first time how grey the clouds were starting to become. She knew spring was crawling up fast. Especially since the fall breeze had started to blow warm. Her only worry was that it wouldn't storm......and that Matt would be okay while she was gone......and that Samantha and Diane would reach the airport the same time she did so she wouldn't feel so lost and stranded.

Leaning her head on the window, Ana hadn't realized she'd converted into a fetal position in her seat. With her knees pulled close to her and her arms crossed across her chest.

"hey" Matt says just above a whisper, resting a hand on her knee, "you should get some sleep, its still pretty early."

"Sleep now?" Ana scoffs,"but it only takes 2 hours to get to Chicago."

"I knoww" Matt emphasized, still looking at the road ahead. "At least take a nap ok."

Ana couldn't hold back her smile. Sometimes she felt like Matt cared a little too much. Maybe almost as much as she cared about him.


Ana shifts in her seat in order to look at him.

Still looking at the road, Matt felt her sky colored eyed beaming at him. Ana couldn't help it though.

Since the first day she had always felt incredibly infatuated with him.

So there she was. In their blue van, two hours away from O'hare.

And just like that, as she let her eyes curve around the way his sharp jawline met his toned neck, up to his emerald eyes and deep brown hair, she slowly drifted to sleep.

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