7:50 am

18 1 0

Ana was awakend by a jolt, snapping her eyes open as she gasped and looked around her only to find her fiancée laughing hysterically at her bewildered expression.

"Are you okay!" Matt almost yelled, trying his best not to laugh between words.

A rush of embarrassment shone in Ana's cheeks as she slowly relaxed and sat all the way back in her seat. Rubbing her temples , only to look back up at Matt whom had tears streaming down his face from laughing so hard.

"o my hahah, I'm sorry!!" Matt explained," i guess i hit the brakes a little too hard hahaaha!"

"A little??" Ana said, glaring at him, if she didn't know better she would've thought that he had done that to purposely scare her. "Ugh, how long have i been asleep?"

"not that long"


"Reeallyyy" Matt said, elongating each syllable. "We are pretty much here. Traffic has just been horrible.."

Ana followed his gaze over the dozens of cars ahead of them. All around them too. But that was just one of the things about Chicago she guessed.

Ana never really had been in Chicago. Only sometimes when she was little, and her dad would always take her and her brothers and sisters. Sort of like little trips , you could say.

"How much longer do you think we'll be in this traffic?" Ana asked.

"Not long...hopefully.."

Ana groaned.

"Oh common, ana bananaaa"

"Ana banana?" Ana spoke, furrowing her brows. "Did you just come up with that?"

"Maybe" Matt said, raising his chin in the air.

Anna sighed. "You're so silly."

"yeah" Matt winked. "Don't worry about traffic, I've been watching and it seems to be going by a lot faster than it seems. The O'hare Airport is just down the street too! We'll be there in no time"

Matt looked over at Ana , then his face lit up for a moment, remembering the brown bag he had under his seat. "Hey i got you something while you were asleep" , he said, handing Ana the bag.

"They're donuts" he explained as she opened it, "I thought you might need it since all you had was coffee this morning. They're Blueberry. Your favorite" Matt smiled. His green eyes sparkling.

Ana returned a big grin. "Thank you" she replied, tilting her head slightly.

She placed them carefully in her purse.

"And it was black coffee" she said, "you should try it eventually"

Matt stretched out his arms in front of him, "Ehh, its not really my thing"



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