Chapter 9

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"I thought Oliver Wood was your best friend?" Missy quietly says,

Percy chuckled with a smile on his face, "He is but your also my best friend."

Without thinking Missy hugged the taller boy, she missed him a lot.

Percy smiled brightly and quickly hugged her back, rubbing her back

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Percy smiled brightly and quickly hugged her back, rubbing her back.


They sat leaned against a wall, laughing every so often at what the other had said. It's like none of events of the past had occur, it was like the start of the year.

Missy still remember his words but forgot all about them when they hugged. Best friends she thought, a tug when through her heart.

Missy was completely oblivious to the fact that soon this little moment will be forgotten, she never wanted this conversation to end.

The two didn't realize that their hands were intertwined together, but they didn't care, in fact they loved this moment.

"So are we okay now?" Percy asked, "Cause I truly miss having you around. I'm sorry for what I said."

"I know," Missy told him with a small smile planted on her face, it was nice having Percy back to being himself and not a totally dick, she wanted to tell him that Mandy was using him to get to her but he looked so happy with her.

So Missy decided to keep to herself about the hidden secrets that Percy girlfriend had, he didn't know that Mandy would be kissing a seventh year slytherin boy during the night down in the dungeons.

Percy smiled at the girl who somehow managed to find her way into his heart without any warning. He gave a small squeeze on her hand and smiled. Nothing felt better than this moment.


The two had to separate from each other when curfew was only fifteen minutes away, while Percy and Missy said their goodbyes they couldn't notice a jealous blonde was watching for afar.

While Percy walked towards the Gryffindor Tower, Missy walked to the Great Hall, but three girls stood in her way of that. Mentally groaning Missy stood in front of the girls and awaited to be yelled at.

Terrible, terrible chapter. Sorry I'm kinda just starting to get out of my writers block.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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