Part 4: Forever

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Me and Playtime arrived at my house.

"Mom, I'm home." I yelled.

"I sweetie." She said. "Is this a friend of yours?"

"Yes." I said. "This is my friend, Playtime."

"Nice to meet you." She said. "I'll get you guys some snacks, and why don't you guys go upstairs, and stay in Zelda's room. Grandpa's been really mad for whatever reason since he got home."

We both walked up to my room and went inside of my room.

"Nice room." Playtime said.


I turned on iCarly on my tv and watched tv for at least an hour. Playtime pulled me toward her.

"Wha..." I began. She had that look on her face. I relized what she was doing. She pulled me in for a kiss. I gasped. I, actually liked it. I started to moan. We heard a nock at the door and we quickly stoped and sat back up.

"Come in!" I said.

Mom came in with some  cookies. She put them down on the bed. Then she left. 

"Sooo." I said as I grabed a cookie.

"Did you like that?" Playtime asked.

"I did." I said.

"So, do you want to be, ya know, a couple?"

I was not to suprised she asked, because we did reveal our feeling for each other at school. I was gonna say yes. I loved Playtime. She was to cute.

"Yes!!" I said.

We kissed again.

Non-Cannon: Zelda X Playtime (EWWW OLD)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt