(1) Devils Cave

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Chapter One:

ⅅョ۷ⅈℒ$ ¢ᵃ۷ℰ

Rory's POV

"Come on Rory! You have to come with us.. You never go out with us anymore. All you do is work, cook, clean, and sleep. THEN REPEAT!" Kristy pouted.

"I enjoy doing those things.." I scowled.

"And that's why you don't get-" I cut her off.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Christine." I said, using her full name.

"D-I-C-K. Dick." she smiled, seeing a blush rise.

"I'm not trying to get any of... that. I'm fine. I have my books to keep me company." I looked at my wide collection of novels.

"And Christian Grey." she looked at the book on my night stand,"Isn't 50 shades of grey a book for chicks?"

"N-no!" I tossed the book under my pillow.

"Uh-huh. Forget it, I'll just talk to your mom about your anti-social problems."

"No! I'm not anti-social! I have friend... you and, a-and.. uhm.." I pondered my thoughts.

"And?" she raised a knowing brow.

"And Crow." I smiled triumphantly.

"Your cat doesn't count, dumbass." she laughed.

"She counts more then you right now." I glare at her.

"Oh please babe, you can't afford to be cutting off friends, you barely have any as it is." she pinched my cheeks.

I moaned, rubbing at the soreness of my cheek.

"If I go will you play nice and shut up?"

"Yesss!" She all but squealed.

"Okay then, where are we going?" I sighed, laying back down on my bed.

"Devils Cave." She walked over to my closet.

I sat up immediately,"Isn't that the new club that just opened? Don't you need to be like.. famous or something?" my interest peaked.

"Uh.. no?" she glanced back at me.

"Oh.. well that's what always happens in stories for wattpad, then the hot friend would flirt with the bouncer to get in." I said thoughtfully.

"Well this isn't a story on wattpad now is it? This is reality." she threw black skinny jeans and a white v-neck at me,"No sweaters." she narrowed her eyes at me.

I groaned, taking my shirt off.

Kristy sighed,"Even if you were straight, no girl would go for you. Your too girly-like."

"Gee, thanks Kristy. I'll hold your compliments close." I muttered.

I was a pretty small dude.

5'5, weighing 108 lbs. I had white blonde hair and light hazel eyes. I barely had any muscle or strength.

"Hurry up, what are you standing around for?"

Demanding bitch.


"Nope, nope. I can't kristy, I can't." I panicked, hands sweating. I turned back, ready to walk back to the taxi.

"Oh no you don't. Come on Rory." She pulled at my arm.

She was dressed in a tight red dress that was a little shorter then mid-thigh. The dress was slutty but she made it look seductive yet elegant.

She was a very beautiful girl, I had to admit. She was skinny, but curvy. Long wavy blonde hair, green-blue eyes, and pale flawless skin. She attracted attention where ever she went.

She was actually older then me. 4 years older to be exact. 23, while I was 19.

She strutted to the front of the line, ignoring angry cusses from those waiting. She got up o the bouncer, whispering something in his ear and pointed at me. He glanced at me and nodded. I felt a bit intimidated by his 6'+ height.

As I stepped back I glanced up at the Red glowing words that spelled out "D3V!£$ C4v€". I frowned at it. No need to go all out...


After getting dragged into the club by her, she went off. Leaving anti-social me alone.

I let out a huff, walking over to the bar.

"What can I get for ya, babe?" A red haired girl asked.

"Water?" It came out as a question more then an answer.

"Alright...?" she answered, giving me a weird look.

I felt nervous as I waited there for my drink. I took in the room.

People were dry humping-I mean dancing- and laughing. Some making out in the corners or couches. The music was so loud I could barely hear myself think. Suddenly I felt very overwhelmed and nauseous.

"Here's your uhm.. water." She said handing me a glass of clear liquid. She was looking anywhere but me.

I took a big gulp of water, blaming the bitter taste on my nerves.

After I finished the glass, I noticed red head looking at me worriedly.

I felt uncomfortable under her gaze. I got up from my seat walking into the crowd.

People pushed, and rubbed themselves on me, laughing drunkly. I caught a blonde in a red dress in the crowd. I rushed over to her, yanking her hips to mine. Her back hit my chest.

"Hey what the-- Rory!" she slapped my arm.

I let out a laugh,"Where'd you go Kristy?"

"Oh, I saw a friend and went to say hi." She smiled,"Lets dance yeah?"

Nine inch nails, Closer, started playing.

I looked at her, only to see a very tall guy right behind her, grinding on her.

He had black hair and pale blue eyes.

Tattoos ran down his arms, making me back away.

"Rory, this is Dennis!" She laughed, dancing along with him.

I gave him a small wave and smile.

I looked at her, pointing in a random direction, indicating I was gonna go somewhere else. I felt myself start to sway as I walked away. I turned towards the bar to see Ms.RedHead looking at me with a guilty look.

I gave her a confused look before black spots filled my vision.

A falling sensation took over my senses.



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