(2) Bite me.

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Chapter Two:
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Rory's POV

I woke up with a gasp, what the hell? Either I was blind or the lights were off. I'll go with the latter. Medal rings, also known as cuffs, chained me to what I'm guessing was a wall.

The wall itself wasn't so pleasant either. It was rough and had a few pointy spots. My feet were chilling like fucking Antarctica too. That was when I realized, my whole body was cold. All I could feel that was covering my body seemed to be a rag of some sort. Very thin, and most definitely did not keep me warm.

Footsteps and chatter made it's way outside, passing the room (more like prison cell) until the clank of a door sounded.

I cringed back as light seeped through, along with a shadow.

"Is he suppose to he awake?" A monotone voice said.

"Nope.. Maybe he's a fighter, eh? Drugs don't seen to last long on those types of people. Just knock him out again."

"If we do that, he's gonna sleep through the whole auction!"

"I doubt it. If he can wake up this early, then clearly he can fight it again."

"Alright, whatever you say. But if Mercy is gonna fire anyone, it's gonna be yours."

The figures walked closer to me, I pressed myself against the wall, not that I could got any farther.

"It's okay kid... We're just gonna give you a little sum-sum to help you sleep."

"Morphine?" I squeaked, my voice cracking.

They let out some chuckles, shoving something in my face.

I was knocked out before I could even scream.



My mind was drowsy as I woke up to a strange room. glanced at the red walls and black furniture. Lifting up the black blanket, I saw that I was in nothing but a big white T-shirt.

I groaned as my head started to ache again. At least I didn't wake up in a prison cell I thought as my head hit the soft, fluffy pillow.

I tried to remember the best I could about what happened that god forsaken night.

I was at the club, got a water, saw Kristy.... Then Ms.RedHeadedBitch! she probably slipped something into my drink. I stopped ranting, going over the rest of my memories.

Bright white light, people, a chick with a loud voice named Macy or something, and big numbers with a whole lotta zeros.

Reed. I had no idea what he looked like but his voice was sexy as fuck.

5 million? 5 million for what?

I groaned again, then tried to lull myself into the hands of slumber.

Before I could, I shot right up.

What the hell? I was in a strange room, was at a strange auction, AFTER passing out at the club..

Was I really that stupid?

I. WAS. SOLD. To a really sexy sounding guy...

Shaking my head, I got out of bed.

"You're awake I see." Someone opened the door, a click indicating they locked it.

"Where am I? Who are you?" I asked, squinting, trying to see Reed through the darkness of the corner he stood in.

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