E i g h t e e n

63 9 3

Saturday morning
7:30 a.m.

You were awoken by someone's text message(s).

What's SO important that it couldn't wait until I'm fully awake??

You groan while crawling over to your dresser and grabbing your phone to check whoever was texting you.

Ah, The Mochi himself...


Mochi 😄

Mochi 😄
y/n, get up!! i need to tell you somethingggg!
7:31 a.m.

jimin-ah, you're my bestfriend and all but why didn't you WAIT UNTIL I WOKE UP?!
7:31 a.m.

Mochi 😄
well, i mean, ur up now so...
7:31 a.m.

jimin, make it quick before i drive over to your house and strangle you. 😑
7:31 a.m.

Mochi 😄
aish, fine!
7:31 a.m.

Mochi 😄
i was trying to tell you that i'm throwing a party this weekend. tonight at eight.
7:31 a.m.

and why do i need to know this? 😒
7:32 a.m.

Mochi 😄
because u and kimmi are invited, duhh! oh and those guys you hang out with a lunch. them too
7:32 a.m.

omfg, goodbye 😤
waking me up just to tell me about a PARTY??
7:32 a.m.


You cut off the notifications from all of your contacts, except Chu-Chu and set your phone back down on the dresser.

Why the fuck wouldn't he just wait? Like that isn't even that important.

SLEEP. Now, that's important!

You sigh as you lay back down on your pillow and fall back to sleep.


11:25 a.m.

You opened one eye and immediately felt blinded by someone opening up the curtains in your room.

"Rise and shine, Sleepyhead!"

Kimmi walks over to you and pulls the covers off of you.

You groan as the drafty air hits you and causing you to shiver.

You reach for your blanket but she throws it to the opposite side of the room.

"Did Jimin send you a text just now, too?" She asks as she sits down on the edge of your bed.

You sit up and yawn. "No, he sent me one at seven thirty in the morning!"

"Aish, I would've kicked his ass," she says as she runs a hand through her hair.

You suddenly became really annoyed.

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