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I AM ABSOLUTE TRASH: I am so sorry for the delayed updates, i'll work on one tonight :) 

(a/n: dedicated to SilverFoxxo for the many, many comments and votes supporting me <3 this one's for you xp OH and thank everyone else for reaching the goal, actually (scratch that) completely CRUSHING IT! love all OF YOU! ENJOY!)


HIS FLYING was surprisingly comfortable. As a newly trained flier myself, I had to admire the technique. I wasn't sure if he was as much flying as he was transporting himself on smaller force fields, utilizing his ability to create pressured air in order to move himself forward. 

I found myself unbothered by the hows, and attempted healing myself instead. To no surprise, the headache which had sprouted in my head grew exponentially each time I attempted getting some use out of my powers.

To my luck, it wasn't a long way to go. Hovering through the Dynamo night-sky, Vector veered off to the right, toward the more low-rise part of uptown. Here the skyscrapers mellow out, the buildings grower wide and shorter, street-levels filled with cafés and quaint shops. Residential buildings crowded the blocks, and the venues which housed ground-floor shops were almost always otherwise apartment buildings. 

Most of uptown's working force lived in these quarters, as it was close to both bus and monorail stations. Good place to commute from, and apparently Dynamo's superheroes thought the same way.

We landed on another rooftop, this one nearly entirely covered in solar cells. There was a small, narrow corridor in between them, in which one could walk, which was where we landed. Vector wasted no time on the roof, heading straight for the small building whose door led right into the staircase downward.

I limped after, cradling one arm as it was aching tremendously. 

Roadkill. I feel like roadkill. 

And I probably looked just as appetizing, considering I'd nearly drowned, been kicked around and then flown through the drafty winds of Dynamo. My face, most likely scratched, swollen and bruised, would nicely complement the rat's nest of a hair which I was most likely sporting. 

Unbelievable, Charlie - you're fretting about looks when you've surely an internal bleeding or three. Worst 'hero' around. 

Ignoring my thoughts, I headed for the door through which Vector had disappeared. It was surprisingly heavy, and I grunted with exertion as I shoved my shoulder against its scratchy, rusty surface, gradually opening it inch by painful inch. 

The door fell shut with a loud noise beside me, the racket ricocheting off of the walls and echoing down the stairwell. The stairs were a lot more well-kept than the rooftop door, their surfaces un-cracked and polished, giving off a light shine in the dim lighting. 

Taking one step at a time, I gradually made my descent, listening for sounds of where Vector might've gone. I didn't allow myself time to doubt my actions, not when I was already so deep into this situation. I had convinced myself to trust Vector, and at this point I liked to believe that he, at least, respected me enough to take my by my word. 

I heard the sounds of footsteps further down the stairs, before they came to a stop. Following the noises, I supported myself on the railing, easing the burden on my sore ribs. Shuffling down the last few steps I had, my eyes turned upward, meeting Vector's indistinguishable expression. He looked neither pleased nor bothered - just neutral, ever observant. 

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