Family's house with Niall

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Niall had just got back from tour so of course he was spending as much time with you as possible, so he took you with him to his family's house for the week. You landed at the airport and were picked up by his family, and even some friends of his. They drove you to their house and you got settled in, before they started making dinner.

"Would you like to help?" Niall's mother asks you. You nod excitedly and follow her into the kitchen. You help make Niall's favorite dinner, while Niall and Greg had been messing around in the living room. You set the food out on the table before calling everyone in.

You really got along with Niall's family, but then again, when didn't you? They adored you! You finish up your dinner and begin cleaning off the table. You and Niall's mother do the dishes while everyone else is in the living room. Niall's mother finishes drying the dishes and excuses herself to go do laundry.

You walk into the living room, all the lights were off. Suddenly the lights flick on, and the only person in the room is Niall, standing in the middle of the room.

"Where did everyone go?" You laugh. He walks up to you and holds your hand, smiling from ear to ear. You raise an eyebrow at him,

"What?" You giggle. He sighs before speaking,

"I missed you so much while I was on tour. Six months is to long to be away from you. Heck, a week is to long! It just made me realize how much I need you, and how much I never want to be away from you..." He paused, before kneeling. You smiled, realizing exactly what he was leading to.

He gripped your hand tighter,

"Y/N, I don't want to go another day without you. Please, marry me, and stay with me forever." He says. You gulp and nod, happy tears flowing down your cheeks. He grins at you, stands up straight, and hugs you tightly.

"I love you." He says, before kissing you passionately. You hear 'awww's' around you as you kissed. You giggle and pull away,

"I love you too." You reply. He slips the ring on your finger before hugging you again. Everyone comes and traps you both in a giant group hug.


I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded the imagines! I can't verye asily off of my phone. I will upload them as soon as I get my computer up. I love you guys

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