Chapter 9

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The afternoon flew by fast. After Yuta returned with the omegas, Donghyuck was much calmer. Jaemin got to know Jongdae, and the older promised him he would take him to the doctor he went to. And then there was Taeyong, who didn't show up until they needed to go.

"Goodbye, hyung!" Jaemin waved vehemently to Jongdae who reciprocated it just as vehemently.

"See you soon, Jaeminnie" Jongdae said before Minseok tugged him inside and closed the door.

Jaemin turned around and ran after the others. Only Jeno and Hansol stayed behind to wait for him.

"Can we go?" Hansol asked and slowly stated walking when Jaemin nodded. Jeno only smiled at him and took his hand.

Nobody spoke. Neither Hansol nor Jeno were big talkers, but Jaemin easily got bored in the silence. At first, he tried to hold himself back from talking, but soon he couldn't take it anymore.
"Hansol hyung, how did you meet the others?" He asked. He was totally hyper and needed someone to talk with! "I mean, you said that you guys lived with EXO when there was only five of you" he said, looking up at his hyung with curios eyes. He was dying to ask this the whole afternoon since Hansol told them that they lived with EXO.

"Uhm... That's a long story" Hansol hesitated. He didn't know if it was a good idea to tell them. It wasn't a nice story.

"We have time" Jeno grinned. He was interested too. Jaemin smiled at his friend. He knew that if he asked this, Jeno would be curious too. Both of them smiled at Hansol. "Please, hyu~ng!"

Hansol sighed. He just knew that he does not have any other chance.
"It's not a good story" he said, and slipped his hands into his pocket. He looked forward, he could still see Yuta's back as he slowly walked next to Ten, who was explaining something animatedly.

"You guys know that Yuta came from Japan, right?" He asked and the boys nodded. "To be honest, I don't know how or when he came here, neither that how he met Taeyong and Johnny, but when I got to know them that three were together. Yuta was only learning Korean, so he and Taeyong always went together everywhere. Taeyong was always next to him to make sure he could understand if someone spoke to him. Taeyong and Johnny always kept an eye on Yuta to make sure he didn't get lost. But apparently they failed and Yuta got lost." He smirked. That wasn't the only time they lost Yuta in a crowd, but that was a whole another story. Then Hansol's face got serious again as his smile vanished.

"I was living in a really bad part of the city. And by bad, I mean really bad. The walls of my apartment were crumbling and most of the time there wasn't water nor heating. And it wasn't a rare thing that someone got killed. So yeah, and in this big city, Yuta needed to get lost right there. We ran into each other" Hansol laughed at the memory. He still could remember Yuta's dumbfounded face as he fell on his butt.

"I yelled at him and threatened him. At that place, it was a tradition to speak like that. But I don't think he could understand a single thing from what I said, because he only looked at me with his big eyes and stared without saying anything."

"And where was Taeyong hyung and Johnny hyung?" Jaemin asked. Next to him Jeno didn't even dare to breath loudly, he was so entranced in the story.

"They came running like madmans. They were really scared, Yuta didn't speak Korean and he may be in danger" Hansol smiled gently at the memory. "They started apologizing, saying that Yuta's only learning Korean so if he talks shit it's not an offense" he laughed.

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