Chapter 13

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"It's not fair" Jaemin whined as he and Jeno stepped into the kitchen. He could smell Taeyong's cooking but he wasn't going to get any of it. He leaned onto Jeno's side, who patted his head understandingly but then pushed him away so he could get himself food. Jaemin pouted and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"We can go so you don't have watch the others eat" Ten said, looking up at the young boy. He was still seated in Johnny's lap, stealing the alpha's body heat, but now he was much more awake. A big cup of coffee did great to him...

Jaemin looked at the omega for a minute, deep in his thoughts. But his stomach growled loudly, deciding the answer. So Jaemin nodded.
"Let's go. I can't stand to see the traitor's face" he looked at Jeno with murderous eyes, but the beta only smiled at him and stuffed a new bite of food into his mouth.

"Let us get our things then we can go" Ten sighed and got up from Johnny's lap. He stood up and went out of the room.

"If it makes you happy, I haven't eaten" Johnny grinned and ruffled Jaemin's hair. "Ten didn't let me" he laughed as he followed his omega. Jaemin smiled and shook his head. It didn't make him feel better, but it was still funny. He wanted to turn around and go out to get his pack and coat when someone called after him.

"Jaeminnie" It was Yuta. Jaemin turned back immediately, looking at his hyung.

"Yes?" He asked, waiting.

"Do you have chewing gum?" The Japanese male asked, looking at Jaemin strangely. There was a glint in his eyes, like he was asking the younger to understand something.

But Jaemin didn't get it at all. So he just shook his head.
"No, I don't. Sorry" he said. Yuta sighed and looked at the table in front of him.

"It's okay" he said and brought the corner of his blanket to his mouth. He gently took it between his teeth and started chewing on it. And finally, this movement was pretty familiar to Jaemin too.
"I have chewing gum in my backpack if you want some, hyung" Donghyuck chirped. Yuta looked at him, releasing the material from his mouth.

"Wouldn't it be a problem?" He asked when Donghyuck got up from the table.

"No. Let me get it" he said and went out of the kitchen. The omega followed him with his eyes until the young alpha disappeared. Then his eyes met Jaemin's again. Now it was clear that the younger understood what was going on.

Taeyong watched the scene quietly. He knew that something was up since he saw Yuta acting strange in the morning. And he also noticed little things, like how Yuta ate and drank much more than he did the previous days. There was an empty glass on the table in front of the omega, but that glass has been filled and emptied five times in the last fifteen minutes. And that how the omega was now clinging to his blanket like a lifeline. In the last mornings Yuta didn't bring that blanket into the kitchen anymore and was much more relaxed. He even laughed and smiled as they talked, but now he was completely on guard again.
And now, that he saw this silent conversation between Jaemin and Yuta, Taeyong was sure that something serious was up. He could see on Jaemin's face how the boy got really serious about the issue. Now it was annoying and worrying Taeyong to death that he didn't know a single thing.

"I'll tell Ten hyung that you asked for it" Jaemin said, turning slowly. He kept the eye-contact with Yuta until the older nodded.

"Thank you" Yuta said and looked back onto the table. Jaemin nodded once again before he hurriedly left the kitchen.


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