a weird box

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Fell was walking home when he noticed something weird: Catty and Bratty weren't at their usual shop, they were standing on the street with a mysterious-looking box trying to sell it to the people that were walking around.
"That's strange... They usually wait for people to come to the shop instead of selling their stuff this way... Eh. Who cares..." Fell thought.
At the second he finished thinking Catty turned around and pointed at him while excitedly talking to Bratty. Both ran across the street and stopped in front of Fell.
"This is like *huff* a very special offer *huff* just for you!" Catty said, "Yes and like, completely free!" Bratty added.
"From what I saw you guys were just trying to give it to anyone you saw." Fell said with a little misstrust in his voice.
"You like got us..." "Yeah.. like what a bummer..." They said "But can't you like do us a favor and take this thing off our hands?" Catty asked.
"Boss is gonna kill me if I just take some random box with whatever inside home." Fall said.
"But like, you could sneak it in!" Both said with sparkly eyes


"Take it! Please"


"It's free!"

"No, never, not now, not in a million years."

"Fineeeeee... We'll leave you alone with our super free amazing box of greatness..." they groaned. "Finally..." Fell was thinking. But oh, how wrong he was. Instead of leaving, the two put the box in front of his feet and rushed in some alleyway.

Sans' POV
"FUCK!" I yelled after them "THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO DO WITH THIS!? BOSS IS GONNA FUCKING TROW ME OUT IF I BRING THIS HOME!". The loud noise seemed to have been too loud for the thing in the box, because it was shaking like an ice cold doggo.
"Dang it. If I own this now, I better look what the hell this is...' i carefully opened the box. When the box was fully open, I could not believe what was inside: a living, small human covered in what looked like an old kitchen towel. I barely even touched it, but it felt like it was freezing. "What. The. Fucking. Hell. A. Fucking. Human child. I can't believe it. I must be drunk as heck..." I picked it up and put it inside my jacket. Somehow I still had to sneak it in without boss noticing. "It isn't bad timing because boss is doing his evening walk now... I might be able to get you in.." I said to the human while softly petting it's head. It clinged onto my sweater and I swear it was smiling a little.

/~Even the smallest need a lot of love~\ UnderFell Sans x Smol pet Reader (Smut)Where stories live. Discover now