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[skips to two months later]

school was having a long holiday last month and today is the last day im enjoying my last day of my only free time before school starts again tomorrow, im going to miss school holidays TT

the boys had their last stay over yesterday since my parents are coming back today. between the two months, school was okay and so do my friendship with the boys, i became much closer with chanyeol and sehun. everyday after school we hang out as usual and play some games together but sometimes kai is not around, he used to say he dislike me hanging around with sehun chanyeol and baekhyun, we always verbal fight if HE is not happy

3 days ago, me and kai had a huge fight, not that kind of physical but just.. you know talking fight

[throwback to 3 days ago, fighting day with kai]

i was playing pubg with chanyeol, sehun and baekhyun. we were really loud as we all laugh and shout in anger joy and fun. kai was listening to his music and he was sleeping or resting idk thats his problem


I was sleeping or maybe resting while listening to my music. we were at chanyeol house, i swear to god Chaehyun really piss me off day by day ,she really snatch my friends and enjoy having fun with them infront of me, it really hurts seeing them laughing together as i was suppose to be in Chaehyun position. we were like this before Chaehyun appear, i was the most favourite person in their eyes and now... it feels like the whole world has collapse, i feel like there is no one by my side anymore, i was really angry just by thinking of it. i need to talk to chaehyun. yes i need

after they played their games, baekhyun chanyeol and sehun went out to buy something for us to eat. i use up this chance and walk to her grabbing her wrist forcely to make her stand and make her look at me


i was about to scroll down my ig feed when someone just grab my hand and force me to stand and make me look at the person, well it is kai since the other 3 went out, i wince in pain as the grip was tighten everytime he speaks

"i told you to stay away from my friends!" he was really angry, i can see that from his glare and tone
"what are you talking ab-about why woul-would i stay a-away from t-them!" i manage to talk while enduring the pain on my wrist "ever since you came they changed! they were not like this! they always play with me laugh with me joke with me and now they rarely DID THAT TO ME B-BUT THEY DID IT TO YOU!" i dont know if i am seeing things but i see tears in his eyes...i feel really bad but somehow i cant get his connection, it looks like i steal something. what am i talking about, of course i steal something, i steal his happiness and his friends..but im—

"i-im sorry" i said while tears start to build up as the pain keep increasing "now my last warning stay away from them or im going to make you suffer" he push me back to the sofa and went out from the house, guess he go back home, i look at my wrist, it has some bruise mark on it, i took my jacket and wore it to cover them,the tears im holding finally came down, i wipe it and went to rest at chanyeol's guest room and took some nap


so because of the fight, we didnt really talk but sometimes around my brother if its important thing, he will talk to me but other than that he wont. i dont really care much if he is a two face. by the way i need to sleep early because tomorrow is starting a new school semester , ughhh i need to wake up early again sigh

[next morning]

its weird, i cant sleep well yesterday so i wake up quite early, i wash up and changed. i went down and baekhyun was there preparing our breakfast.

"morning baekhyun" i said while sitting at the chair, he look surprise and didnt expect me to wake up at this timing

"whats wrong with you??? it is just 6:10am, you always wake up 7+" he said while still eyeing on me "are you gonna burn that egg??" i said and he quickly focus on cooking "i cant sleep well so i wake up early, hah new semester new me" and i hear "errr lameeeeee" he boo me

after eating baekhyun and i went to the car and went to school. our clas starts at 7:30am, i feel like this is my first time going to school with no feeling of rushing...but i was so curious...why i cant seep yesterday..

[at school]

when i step out of baekhyun's car, there is alot of student gathering at one place and they are with their phones taking picture

"baekhyun, what is going on?" i ask him "i heard from chanyeol there is new student coming from thailand" he replied me while looking at his phone "WOW THAILAND???? i have been wanting to go there!" baekhyun just laugh and pull me to go in class with him

class is about to start, ms yoon has arrive at our class with a unfamiliar student..could it be the thailand new student that baekhyun talking about just now? she look so pretty and tall, her hair was brown in colour with bangs just like a doll

ms yoon starts to talk "come in and introduce yourself" she walks in with a smile on her face,, ahh so pretty!! i cant relate

"good morning my name is Lalisa but yall can just call me Lisa, im from thailand but i can speak korean and english well and i came here to study in this school because my parents having their business work at korea so i need to transfer to this school, please take good care of me" she bow and i heard some cheering and whispering

"you may sit at the available place behind chaehyun" ms yoon said , i raise up my hand and she came behind me and sit

"and chaehyun please bring lisa around to be familiar with some places in this school" ms yoon added and i nodded as i understood

to be continue

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