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i woke up hugging someone and smell a strawberry scent, i already know who it is, i look over to her

she is so pretty, i touch her hair and it was so soft. i regret hated her last time maybe if i control my feelings properly i would have been nice to her from the start

it was only 6am, school starts 7.30am....should i continue sleeping? or wake up? but it is still early though.

i make up my mind and stare at her playing with her ears and hairs, she seems disturbed and annoyed, i laugh silently, so cute, she then open her eyes, and we make eye contact

"we are 3 hours late for school, and its all your fault for hugging me so tightly, i cant even move" her eyes widened and she stare at me not saying anything


"are you serious kai.." i hold my laugh she sit down and look around "i-it is no-not that b-bright yet" she look back at me, i pull her and hug her tightly "i was just kidding, it is only 6am" i can hear her sigh in relief

"yah let me go, i need to go back home to change my uniform" i tighten the hug

"nooo kai i cant br-breathe" i laugh again

"ok ok wait for me, i will shower here and then you shower here"

"what about my uniform?"

"wear my clothes first and then i drive to your house and then you can wear it there"

she nod her head and i went to the bathroom , after im done its her turn. once we both are done getting clean , i drove to her house.



kai shampoo smell so nice, nicer than mine which is strawberry scent, gonna start using it after my shampoo is finished

"shit i forget to bring my hair tie , now how am i gonna tie my hair" dammit

"dont tie it, you look good with your hair down"

i look at him suspiciously, he is acting weird lately like....hmm after the ehem ehem scene he is kind and sweet towards me

"what..i didnt say anything wrong" he said with that innocent face

"i never say anything" i put out my tongue and ran away

"tsk that girl"

i ran away further from him and suddenly i bump into someone which makes me fall hard on the floor

"oww my precious butt, who the hell-" i look up and found shocked looking face jimin


"shhh its okay! you are grabbing too many attention, its embarrassing"

he laugh at me "sorry sorry" he then helps me to get up

"so why are you running? someone chasing you?"

"yeah but that person dont really chase me i was the one who ran without the person consent, anyways im looking for my friend lisa, have you seen her?"

"yeah i think i saw her back there" he point at the back, i was confuse cause theres so many back i mean..

"its okay i will bring you there"

"i was waiting for you to say that"

once he bring me to lisa, i asked her if she got extra hair tie and lucky she got extra, i thanked her. me and jimin then walked back to our class

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