The Girl Who Lost Her Cat 1

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On one, rainy, grey day, stood a young girl, who was called Lily.
She was watching the rain from her bedroom gush down onto the street below her. Suddenly, she remembered something.
It was her cat's dinner time.
Lily's cat was a male siamese cat. She had named him Olly. His Food bowls were in the kitchen on top of a mat.
Lily hurried downstairs and into her kitchen, and looked at where Olly usually is, laying on their dining table. For some reason, that was his favourite spot.
He wasn't there. Olly didn't like going outside much, either.
Lily looked all over the house, but she couldn't find Olly.
She decided she was going to look outside for Olly.
She put on a yellow raincoat and a yellow waterproof hat. Along with her yellow raincoat and yellow waterproof hat, she wore her yellow wellingtons. Lily also grabbed a yellow umbrella just incase.
Lily was ready to go out into the pouring rain.
She opened the front door and stepped out into the cold air and wet surroundings.

First, Lily decided that she'd look for Olly in her front garden. She looked behind all of the bright yet dark flowers and in the big bushy trees.
She still couldn't seem to find her best friend, Olly!
Lily went to look in her back garden. She looked both high, and low, but there was no sign of him.
When Lily had double-checked for Olly in her front and back garden, she looked at the rain and sighed. She was getting cold, so she had to go inside.
But, this was also an advantage.
Whenever Olly did finally get to go outside, he would always go back into the warmth of his house when he got too cold.
Lily went back into her house, hoping that Olly would be there.
She checked back at Olly's favourite spot, but Olly wasn't there.
Lily checked the time and saw that it was getting late, so she decided to get some sleep.

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