The Girl Who Lost Her Cat 2

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The next morning, after Lily had woken up and finished eating breakfast, she went to look for her cat Olly some more.
She quickly had a check around her gardens, then decided that she'd go to look further.
First, she decided to check her neighbours' gardens and so searched around the neighbourhood, knocking on doors, and seeking for Olly. Lily couldn't find him anywhere!
Lily decided that she'd go to her best friends' house, and tell her what happened.

Lily knocked on her friend; Sally's door.
To lily's surprise, Sally opened it.
It was usually Sally's parents who answered the door, but this time Sally answered it.

"Parents not home?" Lily asked.

"Nah, they're out at Christy's" Sally replied, rolling her eyes slightly.

"Ugh, why choose to go to Christy's house? She's boring as ever!" Lily muttered.

"Yeah, they must have a really strange taste or they've been hypnotised into going there or sumthin'" Sally said

"Anyway, I can't seem to find my cat, Olly anywhere,"

"You sure you've checked everywhere?" Sally interrupted,

"...I've looked everywhere and I can't seem to find him, I've searched the whole neighbourhood..!" Lily continued.

"Err, want me to help?" Sally questioned.

"Yes! That's the reason I came here!" Lily replied, putting one hand on Sally's shoulder.

"Okay, what would you like me to do?" Sally asked.

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