Part 1

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You were standing on the roof of the Marine Base and watched the whole city. "It's really quiet here... Thank goodness... I would hate it if pirates-" A loud sound stopped your thoughts and you looked around you. "Damn... What was that?", you asked youself and jumped of the building. Some people ran out of a building and were screaming. "Vice admiral!! Please! You need to help us!!", someone screamed to you while he was running to your direction. "What happened?", you asked the villager.

"Pirates... Whitebeard... Pirates!!", he said and tried to catch his breath. "Oh man... And I thought that I had a day free today...", you said angrily and ran in the direction where a lot of people were standing. "Hey, that's not really nice, marine guy.", said a young man with a cheesy grin and an orange cowboyhat.

Your subordinate turned around and saw you in the crowd. "Vice admiral (l/n)!" You jumped into the cowboy's direction and tried to kick him, but he sidestapped your kick. "Hello beauty. Why are you attacking me?", he asked you while you were examining him. The cowboyhat wearing young man, had raven black hair and was only wearing pants and his shoes. On his back he had a tattoo of the whitebeard pirates and on his arm were standing the words 'ASCE', were the S had a X on it.

"What's your name, pirate?", you asked the man. "What...? You didn't hear something about me... Man... And I thought that I was infamous...", he said a little bit disappointed. "Don't avoid my question and answer it.", you said seriously and a slightly pissed. That guy made you really angry. You wanted to have a free day... But nooo. He was here...
"Huh? My name is Ace... Portgas D. Ace.", he said with a big grin. "And you, my beauty?", he asked you. You sighed and you looked into his chocolate brown eyes. "I am vice admiral (full name). Let's go.", you said to him and one of his eyebrow raised. "Oh, you want to have a date with me?", he asked you. "What?" Your eyes widen and you blushed slightly. No one ever asked you such a question or invited you. You were a woman who was only interested in your training to get stronger. People always said that you were weak, but you wanted to show them that you were much stronger than other people... That was probably one of the reasons why people thought that you weren't interested in people...

"Don't be ridiculous. We are going to the marine base and I will jail you, you know...", you said and sighed again. "Stupid pirate..." "You know that I can hear you AND that I won't come with you?", he said and began to chuckle. "He is really getting on my nerves..." "Let's go. I don't want to beat the sh*t out of you right now... I want to relax the remaining day."

"Hm... No.", he grinned and ran away. "H-Hey! Wait!", you yelled after him and then your little chase began (sadly). "Man... This guy is fast... But I am faster!!", you thought with a small smirk on your face. You turned into air and kicked him into his back. He flew into a building and was apologizing to a family, who lived in this now destroyed house. "Did that guy... apologize right now...? Strange pirate.", you thought and you flew into his direction.

"Damn... She is really fast... And strong!", he muttered and looked around him. "Where is s-" Again he was kicked, but this time into his stomach. "Ow... Man... That hurts!!", he said and stroked his stomach. "Your fault. You didn't want to come with me.", you said and materialized in front of him. "Huh... So you are a devil fruit user?", he asked you and stood up from the ground. "Yes.", you answered his question with a short answer. "Wow... Your answer was really... Super long.", he said with a smile. "I hate to talk with stupid pirates. Now come with me or I will kill you." "... Aaand... You hate it to show emotions, right? Or why don't you show them?" "Again a stupid question... Pirate, stop asking questions and come now."

You wanted to take his arm, but someone or more something (what you thought) attacked you. "Fire....? Blue fire...?" You were shocked and looked into the direction where the flames came from. "Wait... Marco the phoenix...?", you said and stood up from the ground. "Thanks Ma-.... Moment... You know Marco but not me!?", asked Ace you angrily while the pineapple man looked at Ace. "Why are you angry?", you asked the black-haired man. "I will probably forget you if you are in the jail.", you said with a small, really small smirk on your face. "... You will? Don't worry, you won't.", he said and again he had his grin on his face. "If you say so..."

While Ace and you had your conversation, Marco went back to the ship. "Hey Marco, what do you thi-.... Marco...? Hey, where are you?" "How it seems, you are suuuch a pain in the ass, not only for the marine but also for him.", you said with an emotionless face. "... That was not really kind." "I don't care... Come on. Let's go."

Again the black-haired man shook his head. "Nope. You can forget it. I need to go back to the ship with the others.", he said with a deep chuckle. "I hope you won't forget me...", he whispered into you ear and kissed your cheek while he ran past you.
You stood there silently and saw how the black-haired pirate ran to the ship. ".... Hey... Wait! Pirate!! Ace!! Stop!! I command you to stop right noooow!!", you yelled and chased him again. "I can't! I am a pirate and we don't listen to marines!!", he said and began to laugh.

When you arrived where all ships were, you saw how the Moby Dick slowly drove away. Ace patted your shoulder, kissed your mouth for some seconds and whispered into your ears some words, which you didn't ever forget... He jumped on the ship and waved to you. "Bye, (y/n)!" "... PORTGAS!! Stop! Hey!!", you yelled after him and some marines, who saw everything what you did and talked with Ace stood behind you with widen eyes and opend mouths. "V-vice admiral...." "Subordinates..." "Yes, m'am!!" They saluted and you turned around with an angry face. "If you ever say a word about what happened right now... You will all clean the base with a toothbrush so long until the whole base is sparkling clean, .... Understood!?", you yelled at them. "Yes, m'am!", they said and saluted again. You walked past them and thought about the stupid pirate who kissed you. "Stupid pirate...", you muttered and your cheeks began to blush.

"Hey guys... Vice admiral (l/n) is really scary when she is angry..." "Yes..." "Did she blush right now...?", asked one his friends. "Subordinates!! Do you want to clean the base!?", you yelled. They looked at you shocked and ran to you.

"Don't miss me too much, my sweet beauty!"

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