Part 2

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You sighed as your eyes turned from your boss to the ground. "How dare you to let Portgas D. Ace escape?", he asked you angrily while you tried not comment or insult him. "It happens. It's normal...", you mumbles the words and felt like a small kid again, when he still yelled at you and how 'stupid women' could be and everything you tried to ignore.

"My apologizes... It won't happen again.", you said and kneeled in front of him.

After the conversation, you walked back to your big marine ship and gave many of your subordinates tasks before you went into your room and did the only thing that could calm you down. Sleeping. That or training until your knuckles turn red and bloody.

Slowly you let sleep take you and closed your (e/c) orbs and had since a few years a dream again. But in this dream, you were not back in your hometown with your lovely family and friends. No, this time you dreamed about a man. He had black hair and beautifully eyes. The guy was muscular and wasn't wearing many clothes like a jacket and other things that could keep someone warm. It was Portgas D. Ace. The guy you let run away. You knew better than everyone else that you could have beaten him and put him into jail thanks to your devil fruit, but you let him escape. Run away... But why?

When you opened your eyes, you grabbed the pillow under your head and put it on your face so no one could hear your screams. "Stupid pirate!! Why am I so stupid?!"

After your little rant, you threw your soft pillow next to you and stood up to hear a subordinate of yours knocking on your door. "Ma'am? We arrived at an island. A few people stated that there would be pirates in the city.", he said and walked off again. You of course let a sigh out of your throat and walked out of your room to see a few of your men waiting for your commands. "Okay, get some food and all and be careful. Alarm me immediately if you guys see a pirate. Now, go.", you told them and jumped off the ship to look around the little island.

Not much is happening here, which is the reason you went to a coffee shop and bought a hot drink for yourself until you felt something hit the back of your head.

With the drink in your hand, you turned around to see nothing than a few costumers and paid for your drink. When you turned around, you felt again something that hit you this time at your side. Confused you looked around and then on the ground to see two paper shapes on the ground. You bent down and picked both up and saw now an empty beer bottle flying at your direction.

You lifted your gaze from the paper in your hands to the bottle and let it fly for a few seconds in front of your face until it fell down.

Sighing you walked a few steps and looked to your side to see a familiar orange cowboy hat. The man with the hat started to grin at you when he saw that you finally noticed him. He waved after a few seconds during your staring-contest at you before you walked to him.

"Hey beautiful. So, were you searching me?", he asked you. "Portgas D. Ace....", you muttered his name and clenched your fists. Unfortunately you destroyed your cups with your favorite drink in your hand, but ignored it. "What the hell are you doing here?", you asked him, ignoring his question.

"I just wanted to see my favorite marine.", he said and shrugged then with his shoulders. "Favorite one? Garp is not here.", you deadpanned and stared at the chair in front of you. "Sit down. We should talk about this little thing we have.", he smirked now at you and put his head on his hand while staring at you like a big creep. "We don't have a 'little thing'. We don't even have anything. I am a vice admiral and-" "Yeah, yeah, Sweety. You will put me into jail and what then?", he asked you.

"Then you will die there. At the place where people like you deserve to be.", you said angrily and leaned now on the chair to look into his eyes. "Wow, that was harsh. But I will forget it.", said Ace, winking at you and stood then up before he rounded the table and stood now next to you.

He softly put his hand on your shoulder and whispered with a deep voice in your ear so you would shudder. Which you did, but tried not to show. "I will come with you... If... You catch me. If you won't catch me this time, we will go on a date, okay?"

Your (e/c) eyes widen when you heard him. "What? NO!"

Laughing, Ace slapped your ass and ran off without seeing that your face turned bright red. "Oh my gosh... That cheeky idiotic PIRATE!!", you screamed and tried to chase him again.

Why was this guy so annoying...?

While running through the city, a few of your subordinates looked at you confused and asked themselves why you didn't used your powers, but you answered the question always with "Because it might kill him if I would use them now."

But it was a lie... Your brain wanted to stop him, but your heart said "Why not let him go? He seems nice!"

"Stop it already, Portgas!!" "Only if you catch me or if you agree to go on a date with me!", he yelled over his shoulder and his bright grin still didn't disappeared...

Sighing, you stopped and put your hands on your hips until he looked back and slowed down. You rubbed with your hand over your neck and cheek, trying not to stare at the man who was now standing in front of you. "Why aren't you chasing me anymore?"

Ohhh... You would love to answer his question with a "Let's go on a date" or something similar, but you just glanced at him with blushing cheeks.

Your mouth opened and when you saw your subordinates over Ace's shoulder, you knew that you had to do one important thing.

You kicked him there were no man wants to get kicked. Groaning, he fell to the ground as you grabbed him and put him over your tiny shoulder.

"How it seems I won.", you smirked slightly and walked to your ship.

"You didn't won fair...", he groaned and closed his eyes in pain.

"I would have won anyway... We both know it and I just want to rest in my bedroom now.", you sighed and jumped on your ship.

"I know, I know.... Wait... I am in pain... You should bring me to your bedroom!", he told you and wiggled around.

Annoyed you walked to your cells and put him into one. Immediately you closed the door and walked off to sleep again.

A few hours passed by and you didn't noticed that a 'good old friend' was on your ship until he just came into your room. "Hey, (y/n)!", he grinned bright while you just groaned. "First of all... I am tired... Second... Learn to knock on the door, Garp.", you grumbled now and peeked under your blanket.

"Sorry, sorry.", he grinned like his grandsons would do.

"Just wanted to say that Ace escaped from the cells.", he said and shrugged with his shoulders as you stood up instantly. "What?! Their are seastone cells!!"

As you run to the place, you noticed a piece of paper on the ground and picked it up while Garp stood in your room and walked to the window. He waved with his hand and saw how his grandson, Ace jumped down to another smaller ship to flee from the marines. Both were smirking. "You are welcome... Ace... But I won't help you always.", he whispered under his breath.

"Hey, Beauty. It was getting boring in here, so I had to escape. Sorry❤️

- Ace

PS. I am still free for a date."

Was written on the paper, you put into your pocket.

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