Chapter Two

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2 years later

"So you're ready for your first tour, Em?" Mike asked, loading the bags into the back of the van so they could start heading to the airport.
"Well, I guess so...I don't really know what to expect." Emmie admitted with a chuckle, getting the last of the cases for the older boy. Once she had done so, she headed into the house to get her other brother.

"Vic! Come on, we have to go! It's not a beauty show, you don't have to look flawless." She laughed, watching as her brother came downstairs. He still looked tired, and she could tell he still had a bedhead despite the fact that he had shoved a beanie on over it. Yep, he clearly wasn't worried about how he looked.
"What happened to the days when it was me waking you up and making fun of you?" He asked with a soft chuckle and a yawn, to which Emmie rolled her eyes.
"You got old, that's what happened. Now let's get going, shall we?" She said cheekily, leading him outside and into the van. She sat in the back with Mike, Vic sitting in the front with the tour manager who was driving them there. They were now on their way to pick up the others, so they savoured in the silence that came as Vic had a nap in the front seat, and both Emmie and Mike listened to their music while Emmie rested her head on his shoulder. Suddenly, she felt sleepy too...

Well, maybe a couple of minutes wouldn't hurt, right?

She couldn't have gotten twenty minutes of sleep before suddenly, everyone else was piling into the van, cheering with excitement about their new tour and the fact that Emmie was joining them. She couldn't be mad about that, but then she noticed that Vic was still sleeping. Oh, no. Definitely not. If she had to be awake for this, so did he.

"Hey! Vicky! Wake up!" She yelled, and kicked the back of his seat which prompted the older boy to jolt awake. He then looked back at Emmie, and simply scowled before taking his phone out along with his headphones. She knew that move was pointless, seeing as no matter how high the volume on his headphones were, he'd never be able to hear the music over the cheering of Jaime and Tony.

Both boys were mainly paying attention to Emmie, asking rapid fire questions like who the members of the band who would be playing her songs were, what songs she was doing, things like that. And somehow, she managed to answer them all with a decent amount of patience. Huh, who knew she had it in her. By the time she had answered the final question, the car stopped outside the airport and they were all heading inside.

"Oh my god! Look at you!" Vic was heard cooing, and when Emmie turned around, she immediately saw what had caught his eye. And boy, did she wish she hadn't. There stood Kellin and Katelynn with Kellin holding his daughter, Copeland in his arms. The rest of his band was there too, but they were all talking amongst themselves.

Now, don't get her wrong here, Emmie has no feelings towards Katelynn. She's completely neutral, she's never really met her properly and she seems to make Kellin happy. Then, perhaps she should hate her. After all, she's with the one guy she's properly liked...ever. Emmie isn't that petty, however. She's...just her.

"Em, c'mere!" Vic called over to her, suddenly realising that everyone else had approached the family while she zoned out momentarily. With a slight shake of her head to snap out of her thoughts, she gave a bright smile and headed on over.
"Oh my god, her outfit is to die for. Fashion icon and she's only...two, right?" Emmie asked with a small chuckle, trying to act as if she hadn't just stood there staring into space for the passed five minutes and looked like a total moron.
"Yeah, she just turned two. Katelynn dresses her because we both know I have the worst sense of style..." Kellin chuckles sheepishly, causing Katelynn to tell him not to talk himself down despite the fact they all knew he was right.

Everything was fine until it came time for them all to check in on their flight. They all waved to say goodbye, but just before Kellin left with them, he kissed Katelynn's lips and hugged her briefly. Of course he would do that, though...after all, they were married and if you're saying goodbye to your partner before going away for an extended period of time, you're going to want to be affectionate. As much as Emmie tried to tell herself these things, however, it still bothered her. It still bugged her that the guy she liked so much was paying attention to someone else. That he was kissing someone else the same way he kissed her that time...she could never forget the feeling of her heart almost bursting out of her chest, or the fluttery feeling she felt for the rest of the day afterwards. It was all so surreal and special to her and yet he—

"Emmie! Are you coming or what?" Mike frowned at her as she, yet again, stood looking like a moron after having zoned out once more. God, why was her brain turning against her?
"Yeah! Sorry..." she mumbled and rushed over as they all approached the check in desk. She caught up and stood next to, would you believe it, Kellin Quinn. He was trailing behind because he spent extra time with his wife and daughter to say goodbye, and when he saw the younger girl come over, he looked down at her with a sympathetic smile.

"Hey, you feeling alright? You seem, I dunno..." he asked, mumbling the last part as if he didn't want her to hear it.
"Yeah! Yeah, I'm fine...I'm just kind of tired, I didn't sleep until late last night and Jaime and Tony have been asking questions at a mile a minute since we all met up this morning..." she said, looking down at her feet as she was too shy to make eye contact.
"Oh, I see. Well, never mind. Hopefully you won't have to sit next to them on the plane, and I'll swap you seats if you do. Providing I'm not beside the other one...Ah, you get what I mean." He laughed, Emmie nodding softly with a chuckle of her own.
"You don't have to do that...but thanks." She smiled up at him, but quickly averted her gaze as she felt him wrap a gentle arm around her. Granted, other people like her brothers and the band often did the same thing if they were trying to comfort her or she was tired, but it was different when it was Kellin doing this.

Eventually, they all got checked in for the flight after someone who shall not be named (Mike) forgot he couldn't check his bag in if it had a laptop in it so then proceeded to take ten minutes to get the damned thing out of his case. They all looked at each other's tickets to see where they were sitting and lo and behold, because God hates Emmie apparently, she was sat next to Kellin. Of course. Because why wouldn't that happen, right? At least it wasn't one of the hyperactive guys, but arguably, it was worse.

"Aw, cool. You don't have to deal with the kids over there now." Kellin chuckled, nodding to the terrible twosome who were currently attempting to sit on the moving arm rest on the escalator.
"Yeah, I guess so...but I hope you aren't thinking that I'll be entertaining to sit next to. At most, I'll share my headphones, but I'm napping on this plane and no one can stop me." Emmie said it jokingly, but she was deadly serious. It didn't matter who you were or what you wanted, no one stood between Emmie and a nap.
"Don't worry about it, I've got a similar plan. We can be nap partners." Kellin smiled, giving her waist a gentle, playful squeeze as his arm was still around her. A bright flush of colour came to her cheeks, and she had to look away quickly so he didn't notice.

This was bound to be one long flight.

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