Chapter Four

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The songs referenced in this chapter are Bouncy Castle by Vukovi and We Are Not Alone by Karla Devito but for the sake of this story they're Emmie's songs n this is just for if you're interested in listening to them n if u want a visual for the dance thing look up the skins gen 2 can't get you outta my head dance k thx bye

"Okay, so not everyone is here—" Vic started, having been told by the band's manager earlier.
"I'd be concerned if it was, considering there's like three cars here." Emmie chuckled, to which Vic gave a soft nudge.
"As I was saying, not everyone is here yet, but they'll turn up within the next hour or so." Vic started again, though Emmie wasn't really listening, seeing as Kellin had an arm around her and it was really the only thing her mind could focus on.

They walked into the building where they were all meeting, and were then taken to a separate room. It was pretty big, unsurprisingly, but they could hear people before they even got there. Great, this would be amazing. Sarcasm intended, there was nothing Emmie wanted to do less than hang around with a bunch of strangers this early in the—

Oh shit, never mind.

As soon as they walked in, they were greeted by several different familiar faces. Emmie knew two out of the three already there - All Time Low And Black Veil Brides. Two emo classics, she must say. Then there was another band, one with a guy with a head of loose, messy waves and a smirk like he knew something she didn't, one with an emo fringe and a jawline that could cut a bitch, and one with dyed blond hair and a shocked expression on his face. Wait, why were they looking at them like that? Oh yeah, because she just walked in with Pierce The Veil and Sleeping With Sirens - makes sense.

"Kellin! Long time no see!" The blond grinned, standing and approaching them with the others in tow. Wait, what?
"I know right? How've you guys been?" Kellin asked with a smile, letting go of Emmie as he offered each boy a 'man' hug.
"Yeah, we've been good. So...uh..." the blond boy then turned to Emmie with a slightly nervous expression. Why would he feel like that? She's not intimidating, unless you counted a little blonde girl that stands at 5'2" and has a resting bitchface to be intimidating. If you did, Emmie would terrify you.

"Are you..." he carried on after a short pause, as if he was considering how to put this.
"Use your words, Remington." The tall one with the jawline said, nudging him with a soft chuckle. Huh? Remington? That's...unique.'s so unique that it sounds familiar to her...the band is on the tip of her tongue...that's it! Palaye Royale!
"Right, Okay! Are you Emmie? The Emmie that did We Are Not Alone and Bouncy Castle?" He asked, and for a minute, Emmie looked kind of shocked. She hadn't anticipated someone recognising her and being nervous to ask her these things...holy shit. Immediately, she perked up, and replaced her resting face with a soft smile.
"Yeah, that's me." She laughed, watching as the boy's eyes seemed to almost light up when he heard that.

"That's so cool! Oh, uh, I'm Remington, by the way. These are my brothers Sebastian and Emerson." He said, nodding to each boy as he mentioned their names. They both offered a smile and a wave, and she felt comfortable with them. That was rare for her, if she was around people she didn't really know on her own, she was often pretty tense but they were different. She liked it.
"So, have you met anyone here before?" Emerson asked, to which Emmie shook her head.
"Well, I'm sure Remmy wouldn't mind taking you around~" Sebastian teased, though the younger seemed to not be bothered by the remark. He's a good actor.
"Sure, I can do that. I know it can be hard to meet people on your own." He smiled, happy to help if it meant he would get the chance to get to know her better, which it likely would do. Emmie mumbled a small 'thank you' and looked almost shy at the idea, then remembered the ones she had come here with. She bit her lip and looked back at them, to which they all nodded for her to go. With that, she was being led towards Black Veil Brides by Remington.


After having been introduced to everyone, Emmie sat back down with Remington and his brothers. Someone started playing music off of a Bluetooth speaker, and it was all pretty relaxed for the most part.

"Wait, so you mean to tell me it's not sex and whores?" Emmie frowned, arms folded across her chest.
"Yes! It's sex and horrors!" Remington laughed, though it was a common mistake so he wasn't surprised by it. The look of disbelief on Emmie's features made her look almost childish, which was kind of cute. He wouldn't lie.
"Everyone mishears it, it's just because Remington can't pronounce words." Emerson smirked, earning him a hard nudge from Remington himself which only prompted him to laughing.
"Listen, if I'm ever singing along to that song, I'm singing sex and whores and nothing can—" Emmie started, before being cut off as she heard a familiar song begin to echo around the room. Can't Get You Outta My Head by Kylie Minogue. Oh god. She turned to the source, and unsurprisingly, it was Mike who had chosen the song.

"Are you serious?" She huffed, knowing exactly why he would choose it. No, not because he just happened to be a fan of the song, but because she happened to know part of the dance routine. Her brothers loved to wind her up by playing the song and getting her to do the little part she knew, and she was well aware of the fact that everyone would probably join them in encouraging her to get up.
"Come on, Em~ you're good at that dance!" Vic chuckled, others seeming to perk up with interest at the idea.
"But I—" she was about to protest, but none other than Ronnie Radke decided to stick his nose in.
"Come on, girly~ give us a dance!" He smirked, his band seeming to find him hilarious. Emmie wasn't laughing. When did he show up anyway?

"Hey, if it's that dance they do at the second part, I'll do it with you..." Remington mumbled, Emmie turning towards him with wide eyes. He knew it too? Well, that took some of the heat off of her.
"It would...?" She murmured back, to which he nodded with a small smile.
"Sure." He agreed. He knew full well that she was shy to do it on her own, seeing as she knew none of these people very well at all. He also knew that they wouldn't leave her alone until they got what they wanted, so he decided to help her by nipping this right in the bud. Remington was a good friend like that.

With the confirmation in mind, Emmie stood up with Remington following her as they went to stand in the middle of the room. She could feel all eyes on her, and she also knew that a couple of people were recording (namely, her brothers, a member of black veil brides she couldn't see from her spot because really they all look the same, and Jack from ATL. Of course). Even so, she didn't feel all that nervous now. Remington was here with her so at least there was someone else for them to look at, and he made sure to take some of the attention off of her by exaggerating a couple of the moves. Once it was over, she was relieved and they earned themselves a round of applause. Huh. Maybe it was worth it.

Just as they went and sat back down, Vic approached them.
"Hey, Em? We have a...slight problem." He said, sitting down with the group. Emmie frowned slightly at that, tilting her head to the side.
"What's up?"
"Your bus didn't turn up. There's been some weird mix up and they're saying that one wasn't organised for you even though it clearly was—" he started, prompting Emmie to run a nervous hand through her hair.
"So what does that mean? Am I still going? You've gotta be kidding..." she sighed, able to feel a small lump growing in her throat. She had been looking forward to this ever since she heard she'd be going!
"You could still go...if people were willing to share with you until this is sorted..." he said, clearly hinting towards the one and only Palaye Royale sitting beside her.
"Wait, you mean us? Are you okay with that? I mean—" Sebastian started, both of the younger boys looking equally as shocked and curious.
"Oh, that was my main concern but Kellin said you're all good people and I believe him. I also know that Emmie is sensible to an extent so I think it'll work." He nodded, Emmie shrugging.
"If you're okay with it then that works for me!" She smiled, now relieved that they had found a solution.

"Wait so...why us?" Emerson asked, giving a small tilt of his head from curiosity. He seemed slightly out of it, as if he was half asleep. Emmie couldn't blame him.
"Because you're the only ones with space. You've a capacity of five and there's three of you." Vic shrugged, then looked up as everyone started heading out.
"Well, that's our cue to get our shit together and get on the buses. C'mon." Sebastian said, standing and leading the way out. What a mom friend.

And so, that's how Emmie ended up sharing a tour bus with Palaye Royale, a bus of guys she barely knew. Dodgy? Possibly. Was she worried? Not at all. Though, she couldn't help but wish it was Kellin that she was sharing with, even if he didn't feel that way about her. What? A girl is allowed to dream.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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