Chapter Three

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Emmie was right, this was gonna be one long flight.

An hour in and there was a kid screaming, and she could hear people talking seemingly as loud as they could. There was no way she was going to get to sleep. With a soft sigh, she leaned her head on Kellin's shoulder, to which he looked over with a small tilt of his head.

"Can't sleep?" He asked softly, taking his earphones out as he leaned his chin on her head. She couldn't help but feel like this was wrong, seeing as he was married and had a child and she had the feelings that she did but...he was probably only doing it to be a good friend. He probably didn't think of her that way.
"Yeah...I cant get comfy or anything. When we get there I'm gonna be so sleep deprived..." she mumbled with a small pout, to which he chuckled and shook his head.
"Cope sometimes gets the same way. What I do to help her is..." he mumbled softly, then looked thoughtful.

After a moment or so, he grabbed his hoodie he was wearing earlier and draped it over the smaller girl's frame. He then rummaged around in his bag, and located a travel pillow which he then rested on his shoulder.
"Usually I'm holding her when we do this but you're a little bigger...though I think this should work." He joked playfully. Emmie gave an appreciative smile and nodded then gently rested her head on the pillow on Kellin's shoulder. Mere moments later, Emmie was fast asleep. What was this guy? Magical? He must be. There had to be some kind of higher power behind this.

Kellin smiled over at the younger girl now fast asleep with her head on his shoulder. He leaned his head back with a small sigh, and tried to keep as still as possible so not to disturb her. She really did look like she needed the rest, and he knew that if she wasn't well rested for this, she'd have a hard time. A lot of shit happens in the first day, not necessarily with performances but just with meeting people and generally doing stuff. It's always good to get to know who you're going to be on tour with.

He couldn't help but feel...well, he didn't know the word for it, but he could describe it. When she looked at him, he felt like there was nothing else there. Nothing except the two of them, and the way that he seemed to be able to hold her and have her fit against him was like it was meant to be. He never felt like this with Katelynn, and he was ashamed to say that but he couldn't help it. He was pretty sure that she felt the same way anyway, they hadn't had a spark in a long time. At least it was mutual.

The older boy gently ran his fingers through Emmie's soft, blonde waves as she slept peacefully. He stopped every so often as she'd move, and he was afraid he had disturbed her, but it seemed like she could sleep through anything. Everything was peaceful and almost serene...well, as peaceful as it can be on a full airplane with people talking loudly and children making a fuss. Yeah, he had to admit, this moment was pretty nice. It couldn't get much better—


No sooner had he considered that, Vic was walking down the aisle and passed their row as he headed to the bathroom. He silently hoped he wouldn't see them, but of course he did. Of course he would.

"Hey! How's—" he started, happily approaching them and giving a small frown as Kellin shushed him.
"Emmie is sleeping. She needs the rest...we can't wake her until we absolutely have to." He whispered, Vic giving a small nod of understanding.
"I see...hey, how did you get her to sleep like that? I've never known her to sleep on an airplane. Unless it's a couch or a bed, Emmie can't sleep there so...what's your secret?" He asked with a playful chuckle. Kellin shrugged one of his shoulders in response.

"Just did what I do with Cope when she can't sleep. Make her as comfy and warm as I can and hope for the best." He chuckled, though he tried his best not to move so, again, he didn't disturb the sleeping girl.
"You're such a dad, Kellin. It's sweet, thanks for taking care of her for me." Vic said, giving a genuine smile. He then gently moved a stray piece of hair from Emmie's face, looking down at her with a fond smile. It was clear to anyone that Vic truly loved his sister, that he'd do anything for her. It was pretty sweet, Kellin had to admit.
"It's no problem, don't worry about it." He replied with a small smile, watching as Vic nodded and walked off to the bathroom.


"Hey, sleepy head. You gotta get up..." Kellin hummed softly, nudging her gently as the plane headed towards the terminal building. With a small whine, Emmie huffed and reluctantly opened her eyes with a small yawn and a sigh, stretching. Damn, that was cute.
"You feeling better?" He asked as she sat up and offered him his hoodie back.
"Much. Thanks for're gonna be the one that gets stuck with me when I need a nap from now on. You're comfy." She chuckled, to which he shrugged.
"I don't mind. You're not a restless sleeper or anything, and it'd be helping you, so..." the older boy smiled, Emmie blushing slightly.

Once the seatbelt sign turned off, it was like a mad dash to get out of the door as everyone unbuckled their seatbelts to get off. Emmie herself took her time, knowing it'd be a while before they got out.
"How's the weather looking?" She asked, turning to look at the window.
"Looks...wet. You got something with a hood? With our luck it'll be raining when we get out of here." He asked, sounding like Vic when he asked the question. That pair really hung around too much.
"Aw shit, no...I thought it would be's summer..." she huffed, not looking forward to having to brave the rain.
"Never assume these things, Em. Because I'm such a gentleman and all, you can take the hoodie. I have a hat and I'm waterproof so I'll survive." He said, holding the hoodie up to allow her to put her arms through the sleeves. She couldn't wipe the smile from her face, and Kellin noticed. She didn't know, but he found it adorable. He wouldn't say so, though. She'd probably be embarrassed if he did.

After getting off of the plane and collecting their bags, they headed outside of the airport to where the cars were waiting. They would take them to the meeting place where they'd all be assigned their own tour bus and would be able to meet everyone else on the tour with them. This would be interesting, definitely. Emmie was glad she'd gotten the extra sleep, since it was no secret that she got tired out from these sorts of social things. Luckily she'd be with her brothers for the most part, and if they noticed that she was getting drained or worn out, they'd be able to find a way of getting her a break. They were good like that.

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