Chapter One: Bread Flavored Bread

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Minecraft Kingdoms AU

Chapter One:

Bread Flavored Bread


The Lands of Minecraftia is a long stretch of land surrounded by mountains and water. It is one of three odd realms in existence, the other two being The Nether and The Anti-Nether. The Lands of Minecraftia, which we'll call Minecraft for short, can be split into two halves due to a war. But not just any way: The Sky War. The Sky War is fought between The Sky Army and The Squid Army, each holding claim to half of Minecraft. Within each half, sub-rulers, called kingdoms, existed. The Sky Army protected all the kingdoms on it's side, such as Melon Kingdom, Bacca Forest, and Pumpkin Caverns. Each side also has a capital kingdom. The Sky Army's capital Kingdom was the Kingdom of Minecraftia: The oldest kingdom in all three realms. The Kingdom of Minecraftia was home to thousands of citizens, as well as the Sky Army's leader, King Sky.

For a short history lesson, this war was started not long after Sky became a prince. An argument that grew and grew, but what over? At the start of the war, only King Sky and The Squid King, King S, were involved. However, battles into the war, other kingdoms were threatened and peace was broken. Minecraft was split into two, and a wall was built to divide the sides, splitting up a kingdom called Atlantica, now two kingdoms called North Atlantis and South Atlantis.

Atlantica was not the only kingdom altered by The Sky War. The Emerald Empire, a large kingdom next to The Kingdom of Minecraftia, was the closest ally to King Sky. Emerald City, as it was also called, was ruled by a prince by the name of Deadlox, and protected by an independent army called The Dead Army. A young prince, he was, and an easy target for the Squids. Emerald City was attacked and burned to the ground, and only the prince and a few lucky civilians made it out alive.

Years later, Sky became a King, and the Ex-Prince of Emerald City and The Dead Army, Deadlox, was well into the studies of magic and potion making. As the war continues, battles are planned by strong generals and wise mages, such as General GoldSolace and SetoSorcerer, The King's royal mage. The latest attack was by the Sky Army on South Atlantis. The battle ended in retreat, but nobody won that fight that night. 3 weeks passed, and still the squids have not counteracted...


Tyler ran past the barrels and stacks of hay as he ran away from his annoying aunt, Janet. It was early in the morning and she wanted him to do this and that and he really wasn't in the mood. Instead of doing work, he grabbed his breakfast and ran out the door. Once he reached the center of town, he stopped by the round fountain to rest and eat. Sitting down on the ledge, he pulled out a small baguette from his stretched out pocket and focused on devouring it. Crumbs fell onto his lap and the stone ground. Birds eyed the food, yet were hesitant to come near.


Tyler looked up to see Kyle, his best friend, and Shelby, his girlfriend, walking towards him. He gobbled the last pieces of baguette up and stood up, brushing the crumbs off his pants. He walked towards them, leaving the birds the chance to attack the scattered bread crumbs.

"What's up!?" Tyler grinned, stopping in front of the two.

"Good morning!" Shelby greeted back.

"You're up early." Kyle noted.

"I wake up and the first thing that happens to me is a pile of work gets shoved at me. Yeah, the kitchen is dirty, but I didn't do that and I'm not the only cleaning it." Tyler complained.

"I can see you had your breakfast already. What was it?" Kyle asked, looking past Tyler at the crowd of birds picking at crumbs.

"Bread flavored bread with a side of bread and bread tea?" Shelby suggested.

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