Chapter 3

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*Lin's POV*
     I started waking up to voices. No, not the voices in your head kind of voices but ones on the outside. Ok that sounds really weird when I voice it like that. Or think it like that. Or...whatever. If you talk to yourself but in your brain is it saying or thinking it? Great, now I'm confusing myself. I'd have to ask 'Nessa that 'cause she's the smart one.

"Whaaa...oh him? Yeah," one voice said. Wait, this voice sounded familiar. Like he was someone I talked to frequently or listened to a lot of their music. their music. Hold up, was that Jonathan Groff? Like THE Jonathan Groff?!? The voice, who I guess was Jonathan Groff, continued, "He tripped and fell outside. He must have fallen really hard because he's unconscious right now." I fell? And was unconscious. When? I just woke up even though I don't remember going to sleep. Another voice, this time one I didn't recognise, started talking.

     "So he fell for you." What does that even mean? Was it supposed to be a joke? I swear I'm not normally this confused, what the heck was going on? After a slight pause, someone's phone started ringing and the second voice continued, "Well I'm gonna go get this. You start with him and make sure he's ok. Don't forget to use protection!" Protection from what? Sunburn? Malaria? What even was going on? I heard what sounded like a fridge open and close and someone sit down next to me. I cracked open my eyes a little and gasped. Sweet Jesus, this cannot be real.

*Groff's POV*
Lin opened his eyes (Finally!) and let out this adorable little gasp that melted my heart. It reminded me of that GIF with the little mouse in the person's hands that gasps.
(For some reason wattpad won't let me put in the GIF so google 'adorable animal gasps' and I think it's the first one.) How could I already have such a massive crush on this man? He hasn't even spoken to me yet and for all I know he could be a complete jerk.

"' even," Lin had opened his eyes, seen me, and now was a stuttering mess. Probably from the fall. I mean how could anyone look at ME and become a stuttering mess. "You're Jonathan Groff. THE Jonathan Groff. I think I have a crush on you but I'm supposed to work for you or something and I telling you way to much aren't I? Where am I and why was I asleep and why does my head hurt?" Jesus Christ, either he's A- super confused or B- actually has a crush on me. Ok, Groff be chill. Alex is always telling you to be more chill so now is a chance to practice.

"Yes, I am Jonathan Groff. You were supposed to come here to tune the piano, but you slipped and hit you head really hard on the concrete outside. I saw it happen and brought you inside so you wouldn't be trampled by New Yorkers. You've been out only 30 minutes or so. Is there anyone I can call to come pick you up? Girlfriend, wife, boyfriend if you swing that way," I asked as professionally as I could. Yeah right. Asking if he has a boyfriend is just going to get your heart broken.

I reached out to help him up but stopped short. What if my hands were sweaty? I mean they weren't right now I don't think. I felt my hands as discretely as I could. Yep, they were sweaty. Dang it! Maybe if I blow dry them they won't be as sweaty.

"Stay here for a little while. I have to go do something but I'll be right back. I'm going to set this water bottle on the table if you need anything to drink before I get back," I said while backing out the door. As soon as I was out of sight, I turned and ran to the bathroom downstairs and shoved my hands under the blow dryer. After a minute or so I pulled them away. My 'brilliant' idea hadn't worked. My hands were still sweaty but they were now sweaty AND warm.

I wiped them on the seat of my pants and slowly went up the stairs trying to figure out my plan. Lin hadn't told me who to call so figuring that out would be my first mission. I would the call that person and then try to get his number to "follow up" with him the next day and "make sure he was okay". I arrived back at my dressing room before I could figure out the rest of my plan. I reached for the doorknob. Here goes nothing, I'll see everyone on the other side of this.

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