Chapter 1: March 15

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I am sitting at the desk in Central watching the sun set low through the windows. It's hard to believe that I have been brought back here after the team was divided up, but the others should be arriving soon, so I guess I was just here to wait.

I didn't realize I was subconsciously tapping my fountain pen against the leather bound journal that I had gotten from Roy before we got all separated. The black ink left splotches in some ugly spots as if the pen was crying. There wasn't much to do about the ink now besides to stop tapping my pen but I was getting bored of waiting. It wasn't too much longer after thinking that when I heard a familiar bark outside the door.

Riza poked her head around the door, "come on, Breada will be waiting for us there."

"Lieutenant, are you afraid of what the outcome could be in this ordeal?" I asked her as we walked down the halls with Black Hyate trotting beside Riza.

"I cannot be afraid of the outcome, also it isn't a good idea to talk about this here. I however, will say this. Tomorrow all of us have to remain focused no matter what happens. All it will take is one wrong move for someone to lose a life. No one is also to give up their will to live either and give up the fight to the other side. Each one of us has a part, each part is important. We will do what we can to protect each other but we cannot be everywhere. Know that fact right now."

"I already did know that." I stopped suddenly, remembering that I forgot that I had something to take care of but it didn't matter now I guess. There wasn't time for what I wanted to do anyways, and Lord only knows that I might not be able to say what I wanted to anyways.

"We don't have all day Master Sergeant Fuery, the colonel is expecting us there at 2230 hours."

"Uh, yeah, I know. I'm coming." This could wait, I hope. I began to pray that I would live past the impending  battle. If any of the battles counted for anything in a lifetime, this one would have to be it. We knew we were committing treason at this point, but we were not alone in this fight, no we couldn't be. We never were alone when we fought.

We walked to our destination in silence, Hyate following, every step of the way. After a while we got to the old mineshaft where the colonel wanted to meet us.  We waited for an hour for him to show up, when he did, we got a plan of what was going to happen the next day from Roy and before we parted ways he told us to take care of any unfinished business tonight. I watched Roy and Riza leave together in agony, no doubt that they wanted to spend this night together without knowing the outcome of what was going to happen.

I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach as I walked back home alone. At this rate it would take a miracle for me to be able to talk to her. From the time I first made an acquaintance with Sheska, that was pretty much it. I don't exactly know what it was that did it for me. Maybe it was that eidetic memory of hers that could rewrite an entre book, or a library full of books in record time. Most people wouldn't care about a talent such as that. I guess for me that was actually quite an amazing skill. I just wish I had the courage to talk to her.

I sure as hell wasn't going to go to Hawkeye or Mustang about this one. I don't want to know what their reactions would be to a confession such as 'I might be in love with Sheska'. I didn't need them knowing about this. I was better off alone with my feelings this was something I had to do alone no matter what.  

While walking back, I passed her place and sighed when I saw all the lights out. Maybe I should warn her to get out of Amestris. It will be too dangerous for her to stay. I sighed as I kept moving, I didn't want to be rude and wake her up if she was sleeping. Also, it was midnight, was there a guarantee she was even home tonight?

God I feel like such an idiot at times. I finally came to my door and unlocked it. I carefully stepped around the radios I had to fix, and the scattered books and repair manuals as I made my way down the hall to my room where I finally turned on my light and stared at the person in the mirror. Why can't I just tell her? What exactly am I afraid of happening? The worst she can do is reject me.

I curse myself for being a coward as I turn the light off after taking off my glasses and fall to the bed, falling into a semi dreamless sleep.

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