Chapter 1

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Airionna POV: I wake up on a beautiful Sunday morning full of life and energy. I wake up and start putting on my outfit for the day. I grab my camera and went to the living room area to make some videos.

Tray POV: I walk in the livingroom to see Airi doing a video. I go downstairs and and fix me some cereal because its the only thing I can make.

Tray POV: I walk back up stairs to see Chris sitting with Airi on the couch. I try to sneak my way around them to see what they were talking about because it looked important.

Airionna: "It was an accident Chris!" "We both know that wasn't suppose to happen!"

Chris: "Well it did, now you have to make it up to me."

Airionna: "Chris! You can easily buy a new one!"

Chris: "No Airi, I dont want s "new one" I want the one that u broke!"

Airionna: "Fine nigga, i'll buy u a new one.

Tray POV: I see Chris get up and storm to his room while Airi is sitting on the couch looking sad.

Tray POV: I walk over to Airi and sit on the couch and ask-

Tray: "Are you ok Airi?"

Tray POV: She looks at me in a way I have never saw her.... She was sad, and looked like she was about to cry.

Airionna: "Do I look ok Tray?"

Tray: "I was just asking Airi"

Airionna: "Im sorry Tray, its just... Chris is so mad at me and I dont know how to make it up to him."

Tray POV: I see a tear fall from her eyes. I take my thumb and wipe the tear away and  both of our eyes meet.

Tray: "Dont cry Airi, we will get through this together, as a family."

Airionna: "Thank you Tray, for always bring here."

Airionna POV: While me and Tray were staring into eachother's eyes, we both started to lean in slowly. Our lips connected and we started kissing.

Tray POV: Our kissing paste started to go faster, now we were making out.
She was rubbing all over me and I was doing the same. She climbed on top of me without breaking our kiss.

Airionna POV: I sat on top of him. Im pretty sure he was having as much fun as I was because he was very happy downstairs if you know what I mean. I felt his hands travel from my back all the way down to my butt.

Tray POV: I started to squeeze and feel on Airi's butt and I could feel when she moaned on my lips.
She finally broke the kiss and started to suck on my neck.
Then she whispered the words "I want you now" in my ears.

Airionna POV: I knew I was playing with fire by saying that, but I didnt care.
We heard someone's door open and I quickly hopped off of him and went to grab my camera like nothing happened.

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