Chapter 6

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Airionna POV: Tray sat there with a shocked expression. We looked at eachother for what seemed like hours without saying a word. I can tell all kind of things were going through his head at that moment.

Tray: "Airi...are you serious?"

Airionna: "Yes Tray, please dont be mad, I kno-

Tray: "Airi, ARE U KIDDING ME!?!? This is the most happiest day of my life! Im gonna be a dad... And im having a baby with the woman I love so how the hell would I be mad?

Airionna POV: I was so happy when he sais thoes words out of his mouth. I leaped into his arms and there we held eachother in a tight embrace. At that moment I finally felt loved.

Tray POV: I just found out that the girl I love is pregnant and im the father. I dont know if im ready to be a dad... but what I do know is that I love her and even tho I just found out, I also love this baby thats on the way.


Airionna POV: Now 3 months had past since I told Tray I was pregnant. Of course the whole house knows by now... Me and Tray have been great ever since he found out... We didn't go check for the gender because we wanted it to do a gender reveal. Me and Chris are just like we were before. Its like we just ignored everything that happened between us. We are having the gender reveal in 2 weeks and im so excited! Right now we are going to go make a banana crew video.

Chris: "So what video are we doing?"

Tray: "Lets do a dance battle!"

Airionna: "Now yall know I cannot dance."
Tray: "Pleaseee Airi, u could just twerk or sum!"

Airionna: "Cause my twerking skills fye like dat"

Chris POV: After Airi says that she starts twerking. I couldn't help but to stare at her ass... It was just so big... While she was dancing I imagined all the things I would do to her... How I would kiss her, how I would lick her and just all types of dirty things. I start to lick my lips, but soon I snapped out if it because Tray said something to me.

Tray: "Yooo! What tf u doing Chris? Like what u looking at my guy?

Chris: "Tray sit tf down somewhere, wtf u gonna do?"

Tray: " NAW NIGGA! Why tf u was looking at my girl's ass???

Chris: "Because this is America nigga and I can look where ever tf I want."

Tray: "Im not doing this fucking video anymore!"

Chris: Tuh... bye nigga"

Airionna POV: Tray storms upstairs and slams his door I look at Gilly and say- ...

Airionna: " Is this what you wanted Gilly? Why cant u just let us be happy, not everything is about u!"

Airionna POV: After that I go upstairs to check on Tray. He was sitting on his bed looking really mad. I sat on the bed right next to him and gave him a kiss.

Airionna: "So u good baby?"

Tray: "Airi... I need you to do something for me.."

Airionna: "What is it?"

Tray: " I know Gilly is ur bestfriend and all but I dont want you talking to him anymore."

Airionna: "What?.... No"

Tray: "I mean what I say Airi."

Airionna: "What if I dont want to stop talking to Gilly?"

Tray: "Just know ur NOT gonna like it Airi."

Airionna: "Whatever... leave me alone Tray, and dont even bother to talk to me.

Tray POV: After that she left my room and slammed the door. I know it wasn't fair to her but I just cant let Chris steal her away from me."

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