Chapter 2

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Yitha turned around sharply. She had touched a door frame in an attempt to escape. She had been spotted by a guard who had been standing by the drinks table obviously to just keep an eye on things, as those things could get a bit rough sometimes. She had managed to make it through the bustling crowd as the large guard stumped after her. Yitha was full of rage, not at the guard but at herself, for being stupid enough to think that she was able to mix with these people. The rage had filled her and she had touched the door frame.

The flame was getting bigger and bigger. Yitha was frightened. What the hell happened, what had she done? She thought she had control! She saw the frightened faces on the other side of the flame, which was growing by the second. She heard screaming and everything went black.


Aleksandra grabbed Astrid's lacy, gloved hand and pulled her to the door. She didn't need to, for Astrid fought against the rushing crowd with all her strength, so hard that Aleksandra struggled to keep up.

Soon enough they were out. Aleksandra stared back, as the fire raged inside the ballroom. The mask on her face was hot and sweaty.

"Alek-" a male voice cried.

"Shut up, Edward." Aleksandra said, poking her partner in the ribs.

Aleksandra looked over at Astrid. She paid no attention to Aleksandra or Edward but was engrossed in the flames.

"You be lucky she didn't hear you." Aleksandra snarled in his ear.

Edward bared his teeth but said nothing.

"Astrid? Astrid?? Astrid?!" Aleksandra said as loudly as she could without shouting.

"Yes." Astrid turned around, surveying Aleksandra with her blue eyes.

Suddenly, the crowd screamed.


Maddalena stared, wide-eyed at the sudden burst of flames. There was a colossal boom, and one following that.

"The fire has reached the beer!" someone yelled.

"God, save the ballroom!" another shouted.

"Stop. Please." Maddalena thought wildly, squeezing her eyes shut. It felt as if a switch flicked in her mind.

Suddenly, a roar issued from the crowd. Maddalena opened her eyes.The fire was gone. Smoke wafted from the building.

"What joke is this?!" a blonde woman dressed in a yellow ball gown exclaimed.

"Witchcraft!" a man screamed.

Maddalena gasped as the yelling erupted again. Her face was sweaty from her mask, though Maddalena wouldn't dare take off her mask to wipe it. Her legs felt shaky, so she sat down on her knees.

"Is everything alright, Astrid?" Kitty asked.

"No, Kitty, everything is not alright, only there is nothing you can do about it."

"Are you sure? I am good at cheering people up."

Maddalena sighed. Kitty could be very persuasive.

"Sure then. Cheer me up." she said reluctantly.

Kitty offered a silky gloved hand. Maddalena accepted, and the two of them danced off, Edward trailing behind.


Yitha opened her eyes. The first thing she noticed was the smoky smell that wafted up her nostrils. She was lying on the ground just outside the manor. The fire seemed to have been put out before it damaged the building and the smoky smell was clinging on the hem of her dress. She jumped up and looked around until she saw a pocket watch lying on the ground. She picked it up and checked the time: twelve o'clock the clock ticked and Yitha quickly ran to the bushes lining the path where her casual clothes were hidden. Quickly she changed into a dull red and white gypsy outfit. Making sure her other dress was folded up and under her arm, Yitha ran to her caravan and hoped no one else was there yet. 

MasqueradeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora