Chapter 6

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"Packing to where?..."

"To escape! There is going to be war, Kitty! We are all going!"

Suddenly, Aleksandra jumped to her feet. She saw Yitha's outline, with the shape of her bag, which had grown a lot. The estate's pillows and blankets, Yitha had said with a wink. Aleksandra stuffed all her stuff in her bag which she had brought from home and changed into her newly washed pant-skirt and tunic. With a nod, she allowed Yitha to lead her to the tree. They both scaled it, and banged on the study window.

"I am ready!" the naturally commanding voice of Maddalena answered. The window opened wider, and Maddalena looked down at them. Her long, dark hair was piled neatly on top of her head. She wore an odd, and kind of inappropriate costume (for that period in time). She wore a mail dress, which finished at her mid thighs. Since the mail dress was see through, she had worn a simple grey cotton dress underneath, which had obviously been made for the armour because it was cut out to a perfect size. Both the dresses were sleeveless. On a black leather belt at her waist hung a sword in its scabbard with the hilt poking out, revealing a lime green jewel. A small knife, in a scabbard hung next to it. A bow and a quiver of arrows was strung across her back.

Yitha wore the same costume as the one she had in the market, only this one was freshly washed and was sewn up at the places that were falling apart, and the holes patched up. She had made herself a leather belt, which a few small blades hung from, and an assortment of small pouches.

Aleksandra wore a black cloak, her black velvet gloves and black boots though in her bag where a pair of silent assassin slippers. Yitha had piled Aleksandra's hair on top of her head, so it would be hidden since she always wore her hair long. Aleksandra also had tied a red scarf over her mouth and nose, only so that her eyes and forehead were visible, also so she wouldn't be recognised. She had no blades visible on her, but had plenty hidden in her cloak, and in her bag too.

Maddalena squeezed out of her window, pulling her bag with her. They all scaled down. Maddalena had done a lot better than Yitha and Aleksandra had expected. Aleksandra noticed that Maddalenas chain mail made not much noise, which struck Aleksandra as odd.

Suddenly, Yitha hissed.

"Gardener, quick!" she said, plunging behind a bush, Aleksandra and Maddalena quickly following after.

The gardener marched past and the three girls quickly hurried off.

Suddenly, Aleksandra motioned to stop.

"I need to give you all some things. It's a poison, though it won't kill. A tiny drop will make a person to pass out for six hours." she said, her voice somewhat muffled behind the cloth.

Aleksandra unbuttoned her cloak and pulled out two tiny glass jars, each filled with a dark purple liquid. The jars were the length of Aleksandra's pinky finger, but we're wider.

Yitha and Maddalena thanked her, both putting the jars in a small leather pouches that hung at their belts.

Before long, they were at the North gates, the East gates being the main ones. The gates were guarded by two bulky men, both which had curly black hair and very thick eyebrows.

Aleksandra let a black hilted dagger slide out of her left sleeve. Yitha grabbed a large, serrated knife from her belt. Maddalena slipped her sword out of its scabbard, sunlight reflecting off the light silver metal.

"I have never fought before. I just stole knives from the kitchen because you told me to." Yitha whispered, fear in her eyes.

"Then Maddalena will target that guard to the left, I will target that one to the right, and Yitha, you can help whichever one of us needs it." Aleksandra said. Yitha nodded. She opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it.

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