Chapter 8

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*Brendons POV*

I woke up before (Y/N) so I decided to go cook some breakfast, I decided to go with pancakes and bacon along with freshly squeezed orange juice. I got done with the food and I went to go make the orange juice. Not long after I set everything up (Y/N) came downstairs and sat down at the table. I poured us both a glass of orange juice and we sat and ate while we discussed new lyric ideas for the new album I'm creating.

Not long after we both got done eating (Y/N) went to the store to get supplies for a idea she wanted to try out for dinner. While she was out I decided to work on the last song i needed for my new album until I can finally announce a date for the album. About an hour or longer (Y/N) finally came home so I closed my laptop and went outside to help with whatever she got turns out it was way more then i expected.

*(Y/N) POV*
  I went to the store to grab some ingredients that was needed for what I was going to try and cook tonight while I was their I got side tracked by the candy aisle along with everything else so I came home with a little more then expected. When I reached the house Brendon came out and helped me with the groceries and by helped I mean took everything but one bag for me.

   Couple hours went by so I decided to go take a quick shower and change into pajamas. As I was heading back down I heard Brendon singing some lyrics for a random song he was writing I decided since he wasn't paying any attention to freak him out. I quietly went back up the stairs and closed the bathroom door. After about a couple minutes of me listening to make sure he wasn't coming up. I flung all the bottles on the tub off along with sink and faked fell.

     Not long after you could hear someone dart up the stairs screaming so if course it was probably Brendon. He quickly flung open the door and rushed to my side making sure I was okay. Not long after I couldn't hold back my laughter and he realized what was going on he laughed with me. "I hope you know you made me terrified" Brendon said. "Yep" I quickly replied. He gave me a soft kiss then helped me up. "So who's cleaning this mess up" He asked. "Umm you if you want dinner" I said smirking. "Really you pull that card" He replies. "Yep" I said laughing. "Your lucky I want dinner and love you" He said with a slight chuckle. With that I headed down the stairs and started cooking.

Sorry for the short chapter and i'm sorry if it sucks I was rushing before my phone dies.

I just want to say thank you all for 1k reads. holy crap I didn't think people really enjoyed this book but if you guys have any suggestions for the next chapter or any future chapter let me know. 😊💞

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