A Friend

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Your' POV

My eyes widened at the words that had escaped his mouth.

"Love?" I asked softly, "You love me?"

"Yes," Aleks whispered gently, "I love you Y/n."

"What do you mean?" I muttered, trying my best to listen to him, and not to cry.

"I mean I love you. It's not the platonic, "Oh you're my best friend and I love you," kind of love. It's the hurting, burning I need you and I want you, kind of love. It's the kind of love that has festered inside me, and every time I've looked at you I have felt my heart swell in my chest. I can't be just friends with you Y/n. I can't just be your friend. If I was, I'd be lying to myself. A friend doesn't try to sneak glances at you at every opportunity. A friend doesn't get butterflies when they see you. A friend doesn't get jealous when you talk about someone else. A friend doesn't want to kiss away your frown. A friend doesn't break down crying in the night, because he can hear your nightmares, and he knows he can't do anything to help you. I love you Y/n and I don't want you to go away. When you look at me and you smile, it's like for a split second everything stops and your smile pierces through all of the bad in my life, and all is well again."

My heart felt like it was stopping in my chest, and I stared at Aleks open-mouthed, in utter shock. I didn't know what to say to him, and I knew that I was being rude just staring at him.

"I..." I could barely speak and my throat felt like it was closing up.

"It's ok, I understand Y/n. You're clearly very shocked; I'll give you some time to think." Aleks lightly touched my hand and he walked away from me, heading towards his room. I just look at the ground, tears brimming in my eyes. He's hidden that from me for so long. It must have killed him every day. I hate to think that he's had to deal with that on his own. I don't know how to react to this either, no-one has ever been in love with me before, not this way. I stand up, my legs trembling slightly as I take the staggering steps to see Aleks. I have no idea what to say to him, but I know I won't hurt him, not anymore.

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