Stay Safe.

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Aleks' POV.

I decided that I will try my luck at the dating scene again. I know that it has only been a short period of time since y/n and I broke up, but I should at least try, right? I head out to some of the local clubs in town, telling James that I will be back before midnight. It is my Cinderella mission, and I am trying my best to find a beautiful princess. The club is vast and filled with both men and women. I sit at the bar and order myself some shots of Jack Daniels, despite hating the taste. I watch some of the girls that enter, feeling a little embarrassed at the thought of talking to any of them. I continue with my drinking until I hear a subtle voice next to me.

"Hiya handsome, can I buy you a drink?"

"Who me?" I ask, looking up at the face of a tall young lady.

"Yes you silly," she chuckled, taking a seat next to me. "Come on, just one."

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged, and she smiled, pleased I had agreed.

"What's your poison?"

"Um... Surprise me," I laughed, and her smile broadened as she called out to the bartender.

I listened to her for a little while, not truly focusing on the drinks in front of us. After a little while, she stopped talking and pushed a drink my way.

"So, tell me a little about yourself?"

"There isn't too much to tell," I mumbled, taking a sip of the fruity cocktail, "My name is Aleks. I work as a YouTuber, on a gaming channel."

"That's pretty awesome," she smiled, "I'm Lucy."

"Nice to meet you," I nodded, and she continued smiling, something not quite right about this.

I ignored my better intuition and continued drinking whatever she had given to me. I gulped it down quickly, and for another twenty minutes, she talked, just telling me pointless and boring facts.

After twenty minutes, I tried to stand up, knowing that it was getting late. I fell straight to the ground, my vision blurring over. I moaned, as my chest heaved, as I struggled for breath. I looked up to see Lucy leering at me, a twisted smirk on his face. I threw up on the shining bar floor in front of me, and she pulled me to my feet, an uncomfortable grip on my arm. I tried my best to move away from her, but my head was pounding so much, that I could barely concentrate. Just as the cool air hit me, I heard someone else's voice around us.

"I think it's better if you stop right there my friend before things get messy for you."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Lucy responded to the figure.

"Yes you do, I saw you roofie my friend. I suggest you stop before I call the police."

My body lurched forwards, and I was caught in the arms of someone, who picked me up, cradling me to their chest. My head rolled backward, and they supported me, carrying me out into the cold air of the night.

When I awaken, I see that I am back in our apartment, however, I am not in my old room. I groan and my stomach churns as I try to move. It is still dark outside, so I know that I have not been asleep for too long. I begin to sob helplessly, confused as to why I am here, and why I feel so sick. I cry out for the only person I know is with me, and because I know that I have no-one else to be here for me.

"y/n!" I call out, my voice shaking, "y/n! Where are you?"

I hear movement from the hallway, and the door opens slightly, a single line of light entering the room. y/n looks into the room, rubbing one of her eyes.

"Are you okay?" she asks gently, "Do you need me?"

"Please," I sobbed, knowing that I sounded pathetic, but what was I supposed to do? She was the only person who had ever comforted me in my life.

y/n crossed the room and gestured for me to make some room for her. She sat next to me on the bed, and I lay my weary head against her chest, and she wrapped an arm around me protectively.

"You're okay," she whispered, softly stroking my cheek with her other hand.

"What happened y/n? Why am I in your room?"

"You were spiked at the bar Aleks, I brought you home. I don't know, It was just easier to put you in here. How are you feeling?"

"Scared," I muttered, and she softly squeezed me.

"Don't be scared, I'm here," she reassured me, "I'll make sure you stay safe."

I nodded gently, and closed my eyes, allowing y/n to hold me, as I drifted into uncertain dreams.

Your POV.

I go back to the bar from last night, knowing that I have to find the fucking scumbag who did that to Aleks. I know that he won't want me going after her, but I can't fight the urge to break her face. She'll deserve it after all. I sit patiently, watching the doorway for her, knowing that she will be here for another victim tonight. People like her don't know how to be with someone else, so instead do unthinkable things. I sip my beer calmly and silently, hoping that she will be here, or else I will have wasted my evening. I spot her from across the room, and she looks directly at me. I flutter my fingers at her, batting my eyelashes, hoping that she will approach me. Luckily she does, and she saunters through the bar, sitting opposite.

"Hiya cutie," she smiles, and I smile too, despite feeling so sick. I hate to think of what she would have done to Aleks had I not have been here.

"Hi," I blush, pretending to be interested in her.

"So can I get you a drink?" she asks, already trying to play her games with me.

"Yeah, I have a particular drink I enjoy. It's called Fuck You for Drugging my Friend!"

I launch myself across the table, grasping her neck, pinning her to the wall, digging my fingers into her.

"What are you talking about?" she splutters, hands desperately clawing at me.

"You don't even fucking remember?" I barked, "My friend Aleks from last night!"

"Oh him!" she shrieked, "I wasn't going to do anything with him at all! I promise! I swear!"

"Yeah fucking right!" I shout, and I push her backward, hearing the satisfying of her head against the wall.

"I didn't lay a fucking finger on him!"

I spat in her eyes, and it looked as if she had, had enough. She growled, and kicked out at me, causing me to let her go. I was tackled to the floor, and she began pounding her fist into me. My nose felt instantly bruised, and I groaned, slamming my fist into her cheek. Another fist was dug into my face, and I pushed her away from me, staggering to my feet. I kicked her hard in the ribs, before stumbling away from her. I looked behind me, but she just disappeared. I exited the club, realizing how cut up I was. I sat down on the pavement, trying not to get blood on myself. I knew that I had to call Aleks, but whether he would help me, was a different story. 

Just a Freaking Game.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin