Scared to get close.

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Aleks' POV.

I loved to think that Y/n thought that she was going to be the one to change me. I loved to think that she thought that she could save me when I wasn't worth saving. I loved Y/n. I had loved her for a long time, and even though at one point she had been the cause of all my pain, now she was the one to take it all away. I watched as she clambered out of her bed, and stretched,  in a way that I could only define as heart-melting. Y/n opened her wardrobe, pulling out a plain grey tank top, pulling it on over her beautifully tanned skin. I blushed softly, the rush of warmth causing my cheeks to glow. She tugged on her jeans, dancing a little bit, causing me to laugh at her.

"What are you laughing at, huh?" she chuckled, as she crawled back onto the bed, bringing her face level with mine.

"Oh nothing, just you," I winked, and she kissed my nose, causing me to giggle softly. Y/n watched my face for a moment more, before retreating back across the bed, and onto the floor. I was confused, as the look on her face had appeared to be anything but happy.

"Is something wrong y/n?" I questioned, as I pulled my legs up, so I could sit by her on the floor. I didn't touch her, because I knew that somehow she didn't want the comfort. I repeated my question again; "Is something wrong?"

y/n glanced up at me, and she seemed almost concerned about me sitting by her. I watched as her eyes flickered over my face, and she sighed a little to herself. We sat like this for a few moments, the silence between us, confusing, as we had been fine before this. Eventually, the silence was broken, as y/n responded to me.

"Nothing is wrong Aleks," she confessed, and I stared at her. I knew there was something wrong, she never went silent, not just like that.

"I know that there is something wrong y/n, I can see it in your eyes. If you don't want to tell me then that's fine, but I'm concerned about you, please know that."

"I know, and trust me, I understand, but it isn't worth you being worried about. I will deal with it in my own time."

"You're my girlfriend," I blushed, the word causing me to feel excited, "I want you to take care of you at every opportunity I get to."

y/n ignored me for a moment, and I felt confused once again. She was my girlfriend, wasn't she? I hadn't been imagining the way we had been with each other, right? No, because I had felt the softness and the warmth of her lips against mine.

"I know," she suddenly said, "I know that I'm your girlfriend, and I'm glad about that. I love you Aleks, please don't leave."

"I'm not going to go anywhere y/n, I swear to you." I lightly touched her arm with my hand, and she flinched for a second, before nodding her head. Y/n stood up, and gave me a brief smile, before exiting the room. Y/n was a mystery, one by which I was very confused. I got myself dressed, and after a little while, I followed y/n path into the kitchen.

Your POV.

I watched Aleks for a moment as he advanced towards me. It was taking every fiber of my being not to tell him to go away. I didn't want him to go away, trust me, that's now what I want. When you're brought up in a household, where your mother permanently tells you that loving men is wrong, you can't help but be afraid. I was scared of letting him get any closer to me because I knew one day I would hurt him all over again. I had hurt him because he'd had to keep his secret from me, and I didn't want to hurt him, not again. He smiled at me, and I smiled back, although it was shaky. I wrapped my arms around him, as he fell into my embrace, and I let myself feel lost in his arms. I let myself feel safe and warm within his arms and the gentleness of him. He was the better part of me, and I didn't want that part of me to go away. When he pulled away from me, I watched as he poured himself a glass of orange juice, and I smiled. Even the way he moved was perfection. The soft carefulness of everything he did, and the way he never made a slip up within those movements. The urge grew too strong to fight, and as he stared out our kitchen window, I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, kissing his neck urgently.

"Y/n," he whispered, as I held his hips tightly, kissing behind his ear, his knees buckling slightly. I softly kissed down his neck again, softly biting him as I reached the base of it. A soft groan rose from his throat, and I couldn't help but smile, faltering in my trail of kisses.

"Y/n, seriously... Stop," he begged, even though he knew that wanted me to continue, "Y/n, we need to go out, I don't have time for this."

I chuckled, and I went in front of him, pulling him into me, looking into his eyes and he smiled. His lips twitched into that perfect smile he seemed to possess, and I kissed his nose. I loved the way he looked at me, the smoldering gaze that glanced over me. I kissed him again, and the world seemed to align itself, so everything was perfect.

Aleks' POV.

"Where do you need to go Aleks?" y/n asked, after her soft attack on my neck.

"We need to go out for the groceries," I replied, and I plucked my car keys from the kitchen bench. Y/n grumbled, and shook her head, causing me to laugh.

"Aleks no," she told me, "I don't wanna. I hate going shopping."

"Pretty please y/n, for me?" I asked, fluttering my eyelashes at her, smiling.

"You little shit," she winked, "Thinking that fluttering your eyelashes will change my mind."

"It hasn't it?" I giggled.

"Yes, that is true; however you definitely owe me dinner tonight. You keep promising me that you'll make my food, but God damn it you keep distracting me."

"Okay, okay, I promise. I promise that tonight, I will cook you whatever you want me to."

"And I love you for that," she laughed, and I rolled my eyes at her.

Whether she was obsessed with the simple thought of food or not, I loved y/n for everything she was. I smiled at her, as she tugged on her shoes, knowing that I needed her to go with me, for fear of the simple thought of being alone. I hated being on my own, even going somewhere simple like the store, I hated the solitude of my head. No matter how much better I got, I would always be a prisoner in my own mind.

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