chapter 3

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Eshe arose to the lyrics of 'hustle hard'.
This was not her alarm tone 'same old shit'
Groaning in annoyance at the untimely alarm, glancing at the clock om her night stand.

"who the hell is calling me at three in the morning?"

she sat up on her bed and reached for her phone, 'just a different day' looking at the screen it was her best friend Amare.

 Swiping on the bottom of the screen to answer, she waited for her friend to respond.

"Girl! He did it again!" She practically screamed through the phone. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Of course it was Amare calling me at this ungodly hour, to complain about Demarcus and the fact that he Ill treats her. I don't mean to sound nonchalant but this has been my friend for the last 2 years back and forth with the lying cheat, always promising to leave but as soon as he apologises they're good again.
I mean seriously no dick is that good enough to completely rid me of my thoughts and senses.

"Amare you my girl and I love you, you know this. But it is three in the morning and there's not much that I can say, that I haven't said before. He's not going to change. You have to let him go you deserve so much better than him".

"But I love him Eshe!" She wailed into my phone speakers, causing me to pull it away from my ears.

"But he doesn't love you enough sweetie, if he did he'd prove it, this isn't love".

"What do you know about love? All you do is sleep around with your boy toys every week"

"And that's why I don't be bothering my beastie at three in the morning Amare".
"I have to get some sleep I have a big day tomorrow, wish me luck, and I love you and I know you'll be back together in a few days".

"OK girl, good luck, not that you need it. You're pretty awesome at what you do. I love you too. I ain't getting back with him!" She sobbed into the phone.
"OK uh huh sure you ain't. And thanks it's the black girl magic that got me thriving." I practically boasted.

We hung up and I pulled the covers over me and went back to bed. It was a challenge getting back to sleep now. Which is why I hate it when people bother me before I get in a full eight hours sleep. As I lay on my side I thought of my friend. I mean why is it she allows him to hurt her like this all the time?. She's intelligent for the most part nd super sexy. She can have just about any other man spoiling her and treating her right. Why would she rather go through hell in the name of 'love'? Ugh! The word alone makes me sick! I hope that I never experience with the emotion with a man. I'd be disappointed in myself to know I lost all my brain cells to the opposite sex.

The emotion just isn't worth it. Sighing to myself and allowing exhaustion to take me back into the abyss that is sleep, I let the thoughts go and welcomed the darkness once again.

Beep Beep Beep Beep.... Every morning I hate myself for the stupid alarm clock. Getting up and smacking the button at the top to stop the God awful sound, I began my morning routine. Slipping off my  pyjamas I headed over to the bathroom while rubbing my temples. I always wake up with a splitting headache. It usually disappears when I take a bath and brushed my teeth. 

Enjoying the minty after taste of my toothpaste and fresh scent of my body wash, I wrapped my robe around me and headed to my walk in closet. Deciding to go simple and chic today. I picked out a black pencil skirt and a long sleeve button down peach shirt. I accentuated my outfit with a pair of gold earrings and nude high heeled shoes. Pinning my hair to the sides to create a mohawk effect and adding light make up to my face I was ready to face the world. OK a huge mug of coffee and then I'd be ready. Grabbing my files on my the desk in my at home office I stepped out with confidence and jumped in my car. 

I was meeting an interesting client today, they didn't say much on the phone when they called to make an appointment. I felt nervous though the occasions are rare my intuition is usually right. Something was definitely wrong with this particular client but I couldn't figure it out. Telling myself that it was simply nervousness I let the thought go.

But little did she know that this particular client would change her life forever.

A/N; hey guys! I'm so freaking excited my book has almost 200 reads since I posted the last chapter. Please make use of the vote butting and comments section it would be a big help to keep the book going. Tell me who you guys think the client is. Also I know it seems like the chapters are slow but iktt allows me to properly introduce you to to a new character. Thanks again for the love guys.

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