Chaptet 23- ambo accident

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They sped down the road and toward the fire. "I can see the smoke rolling," gabby said as she drove. "Yeah I have a feeling this is gonna be a-." Shay couldn't finish as they were hit by truck 58. The ambo rolled onto its top and Shay and Dawson were stuck. Truck 81 was right behind. "MAYDAY MAYDAY 81 TO MAIN AMBO 61 AND TRUCK 58 HAVE COLLIDED. WERE GONNA NEED AN EMS PLAN 2. DISPATCH OTHER UNITS TO THE FACTORY FIRE! THIS IS BAD!" Otis screamed into his radio. Casey sat there as shock filled his eyes. The truc stopped and Casey began giving orders. "Kidd, mouch, get 58, me, Otis and Hermann will get the ambo!" They ran over to the ambo to see Shay struggling to limb out of the broken windshield. "SHAY! Are you alright?" Casey asked. "Im fine, just a couple bumps and bruises. Gabby is critical! She isn't breathing. Pulse is weak and thready." Shay told him. Hermann brought Shay to an ambo while Casey struggled to get gabby out of the ambo. He finally got her out and started chest compressions. "Damnit gabby, come on! Not like this!" He yelled. Everyone was gathered around him now. He continued compressions until the ambo arrived. They hooked her up to the monitor and she was asystole. They shocked her and they had a pulse. They rushed to med and truck and squad followed. "Matt, she's gonna be alright," Otis said as Casey looked out the window. A tear streamed down his face as he thought the worst possibility. She was dead.

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