Who's There

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I kept thinking and took a deep breath i kept thinking it what the sound could be

It sounded like papers falling i slowly got the idea that it was my cat so i

Did calm down a bit i put my tea inside my room and i heard the noises of paper more 

I slowly opened the door and noticed on the floor there was papers everywhere

I slowly said "Mayu..?"  Which is my adorable little cat name i walked a bit more

And looked around it didn't sound like a cat playing with papers

I slowly got goosebumps and i started feeling a bit scared i heard steps behind me

I quickly looked behind and saw my cat sitting behind me as it meowed at me

I smiled a bit as i felt calm as i went to pet my cat i heard sounds further into the room

I got up and went to investigate the sounds as i walked i saw more papers thrown onto

The papers where my drawings, My writings i felt chills down my back since a cat couldn't 

Open my drawers, I finally saw a dark figure holding a paper, My heart started pounding 

As i was shocked the figure kept looking into my stuff, I couldn't believe what was happening 

I was so shocked, As i stepped closer it turned and looked at me, I felt all scared thinking it 

Would attack me my legs started shaking when i got a good look at it...

It was a potato.. A potato with.. LEGS!??!?! AND GLASSES!?

I took a deep breath and fell on the floor

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Lol i don't regret writing this

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