Chapter 2. The Moment

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hey guys well got a lot of pretty good feedback and for that thanks, people and also you guys should check out this yaoi called super lovers the amount of squealing I have done today is unnatural anyways let me get to what Y'all came here for and stop talking even tho it writing the damn book you - anyways lets start (fuck its hard to type with nails) and this chapter will be pretty long so get your snacks and drink mabey get comfy

Quick questions

 What do you think my racial orientation is ???

How old do you think I am?

Am I straight or bisexual (any other S/O)

Don't ask why I'm asking these questions...

And also who can make a better cover 4 this book? And wait to play the song
----------------------------------------------------Justin's POV--------------------------------------------

As lunch neared I could my stomach begging to be set free, looking up from my notes I watched as the teacher made her way around the classroom happily.

Smiling I watched as the clocked hit lunchtime before the bell even rung I was already up and making my way to the door, as I walked down the halls I quickly stop by my locker and grab my gym bag or next bell.

Turning around I was met with Blake just standing there, it looked like he was turned out I took this time to actually look at him. Starting at his hair, I loved his dark hair and how it went into his face but not to the point it covered his eyes.

Oh, his eyes those chocolate things were so damn sexy, wait what the hell what am I saying. I'm not even gay so why should I be thinking like this. I mean it is normal for friends to point out other friends attractiveness right?

Snapping out of my thoughts I look back at a smirking Blake "enjoy the view" he smirks running a hand through his hair, feeling my face heat up I stutter a bit before finally settling on some works "I'm hungry let's go to lunch" I say quickly walking towards the lunch room a chuckling Blake behind me.

As we neared the cafeteria I heard the familiar sound of high-speed heels, turning around I was met with Penelope body crashing into mine.

A low growl left Blake's mouth making me look at him in confusion as he glared at my girlfriend.

"I'm going in," he says with his head down, brushing past us I swear I saw smoke or steam coming off him, ignoring Penelope I quickly walked in behind Blake "hey you ok," I ask walking behind him.

"I'm fine, " he says as someone shouts his name, looking over I see a beautiful girl she had long dark blue hair, her eyes green as the grass, she wore a cute red polka dot dress and white heels.

Feeling a sudden wave of jealousy go over my I quickly grabbed his arm making those weird sparks go up my arm, looking at me Blake looked at my arm and back at me.

Feeling my face heat up I quickly cleared my throat before speaking "um y-you seem upset let's go and grab some food and hang out then come back" I say eating complaints from Penelope.

"Calm down babe I'll be back then we  will have our fun" I say kissing her cheek before walking off with Blake "where do ya wanna go" I ask as we exit the school and make our way to my car "taco bell" he mutters opening the car door "you good" I ask once we got into the car.

He looked weird I think he smelt something weird cause he was inhaling hard and gripping the door hard "does my car stink or something" I ask as he just shakes his head and closes his eyes "okkkk well let's make our way to taco bell" I say starting up my car

*********time skip to when they get there********

Pulling up to taco bell I look to the side to see Blake looking very uncomfortable "you good" I ask as he refuses to look me in my eyes, nodding his head he gets out the car but before he could close the door I see the tent in his joggers that he had been covering.

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